Chemistry and Materials

Humans have always been curious about what makes up everything that surrounds us—from natural resources like air and water, plants and soil, to human-made materials like glass, alloys and plastic. Since the dawn of humankind, crucial societal advances have relied on our ability to mix and react materials with each other to form new materials for many practical uses. Today, our knowledge of the chemical make-up of materials and the way materials react is key to developing new, tailored chemical compounds and materials that enable diverse technological advances. Knowledge about chemistry and materials will allow us to tackle the important challenges our world is facing, ultimately improving the wellbeing of people, the environment, and the planet.

This section of Frontiers for Young Minds includes articles that span all aspects of the chemical and materials sciences. Chemistry and Materials will provide young readers with the most up-to-date and relevant research, to help the next generation understand, discover, change, and develop our world and all that it contains.

Editorial board

Science Mentors

We would like to thank our team of Science Mentors for their valuable contribution to Frontiers for Young Minds.

Their input and guidance during the review process helps our Young Reviewers understand the importance of their role and their connection to the scientific community.