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17 news posts in Women in Science

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Frontiers news

28 Sep 2023

Frontiers community engagement update – fall 2023 

Photo credit: Frontiers We take a moment to reflect on the information, resources, and actions taken over the past several months towards promoting longer, more prosperous lives on a healthier planet.  Photo credit: Frontiers Women in Science  Our Women in Science blog continues to showcase the diverse stories and achievements of women researchers from various fields. The team behind the blog has had engaging discussions with each of the women, discovering how their work contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Each blog post also reveals the personal journeys of the women, including their key learnings, major challenges, and useful tips for future generations. Over the past several months, readers have learned about artificial intelligence and large-scale resource management (SDG 11), women in academia and equality (SDG 10), and innovation and process optimization (SDG 9).   Photo credit: Emily Darley, Elisabeth Horde Frontiers’ Volunteers  The volunteering platform Alaya has continued to connect Frontons with meaningful opportunities – near and far. Most recently, our colleagues have shared their experiences tutoring students and mentoring student-athletes in different countries, highlighting the wide range of organizations available for Frontons to get involved with. Copyediting specialist Emily Darley spends her volunteer time tutoring […]

Photo credit: Frontiers

Frontiers news

29 Jun 2023

Frontiers community engagement update – summer 2023 

Photo credit: Frontiers We take a moment to reflect on the information, resources, and actions taken over the past several months towards promoting longer, more prosperous lives on a healthier planet.  Photo credit: Frontiers Women in Science  Serving as a platform for woman researchers to share their experiences, our Women in Science blog continued to highlight the unique efforts and inspiring stories of these researchers across disciplines. The team behind Women in Science carried out insightful conversations, learning more about the meaningful work these women are doing to contribute the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Each blog post also captures the individual’s unique journey, complete with their biggest learnings, greatest challenges, and helpful advice for future generations. Over the past several months, readers have explored climate change through an economic lens (SDG 13), stabilization and peaceful policymaking (SDG 16), marine science and gender equality in the fisheries sector (SDG 14), and environmental philosophy and alternative hedonism (SDG 12).  Photo credit: Frontiers Frontiers’ Volunteers  Volunteering opportunities can come in many forms. Groups may come together to support a certain cause, while individuals can select an experience to lend their tailored skillset to. Frontiers’ volunteering platform Alaya makes it easy for all […]

Frontiers news

04 Apr 2023

Frontiers community engagement update – spring 2023 

We take a moment to reflect on the information, resources, and actions taken over the past several months towards promoting longer, more prosperous lives on a healthier planet.  Photo credit: Frontiers Women in Science  Now in its third year, our Women in Science blog continues to serve as a platform to give women researchers a voice within their communities. It is a place for them to share their career progressions and achievements in their respective disciplines, speak about the challenges on the way, while also sharing advice for future generations of researchers. This year, the blog is highlighting the contributions these women make to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals. Over the past several months, readers have explored playful pedagogies within the context of global education (SDG 4), health equity and women’s health (SDG 5), evolutionary biology and the conservation of amphibians (SDG 15), and accessibility to clean water as part of sustainable agriculture (SDG 6).  Frontiers’ Volunteers  The year began with a review of the impact Frontons had made through their volunteer efforts over the course of 2022. The thinking globally, acting locally blog post took a closer look at how our colleagues contributed to their local communities around […]

Frontiers news

09 Feb 2023

Inspiring the next generation in STEM, Frontiers sponsors Potenti’elle en Science event

Research publisher Frontiers is a participating sponsor of the Potenti’elle en Science event taking place on 9 February 2023 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Hosted by the Suisse Romande chapter of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA), the event celebrates the annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science. It is designed to inspire young girls to learn more about careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).  Photo credit: Frontiers Now in its third year, Potenti’elle en Science will be held for the first time as a hybrid, bilingual event in both English and French. During the three-hour event, students ranging from 8 to 18 years old will hear from keynote speakers and participate in dedicated workshops for each age group led by women currently working in STEM fields. Included among the fields represented are pharmaceutical and biotechnology, academia, and non-government organizations (NGOs). Time is also allotted for the students to engage with role models from STEM disciplines to learn more about their diverse academic and professional experiences.  Frontiers has sponsored the Potenti’elle en Science event since the beginning. Cultural stereotypes and societal conditioning impact young women’s future aspirations, often influencing their field of study and ultimately affecting their career path. According […]

<p>1986 &#8211; Berkeley, California, United States: Marian Diamond professor of anatomy and an expert on the brain, taking a close look at a rat brain. Marian Cleeves Diamond, Ph.D. (born November 11, 1926) is a professor of anatomy at the University of California, Berkeley who has published research into the neuroanatomy of the forebrain, notably the discovery of the impact of the environment on brain development, the differences between the cerebral cortex of male and female rats, and the likely link between positive thinking and immune health. (Eric Luse/San Francisco Chronicle/Polaris) ///</p>

Young Minds

11 Aug 2021

Dr. Marian Diamond – My Love Affair with the Brain

We invite you to read the compelling story of one of the founders of modern neuroscience: Marian Diamond.

International Women's Day 2018

Frontiers news

08 Mar 2018

Thank you to the amazing women of Frontiers!

  The 211 dedicated, creative, hard-working, innovative, passionate women at Frontiers are making high-quality science openly available to the world. Global gender parity may be over 200 years away1 — but Frontiers was there from the start. Today 57% of our workforce is female. These dedicated professionals work across all functions, from IT and database solutions to journal development to review operations and production. On top of this, 55% of our senior managers are women, including our co-founder and CEO Kamila Markram. Within the Frontiers academic community, women represent 38% of authors, 26% of editors and 22% of reviewers. This is among the highest for the publishing sector, but more needs to be done. This is why we’ve implemented targeted strategies to inspire young scientists and encourage more leading female academics to take on editorial roles in Frontiers. As women today, we stand on the shoulders of pioneering women. It’s very important that young girls and young business women see successful women in leadership positions. Kamila Markram We’re proud of all our staff, authors, editors and reviewers — but especially hope that the amazing women in our community inspire young girls around the world to follow their dreams and believe that […]
