Featured news
16 Dec 2021
Hormone exposure in the womb potentially linked to migraine risk in later life
Hormone exposure in the womb potentially linked to migraine risk in later life, finds new study in Frontiers in Pain Research
Featured news
16 Dec 2021
Hormone exposure in the womb potentially linked to migraine risk in later life, finds new study in Frontiers in Pain Research
Featured news
24 Jun 2021
By Colm Gorey, Frontiers science writer Image: New Africa/Shutterstock.com New research published in the open access journal Frontiers investigating the biological mysteries of sleepwalking found the levels of ‘fight or flight’ response in those who wander at night is surprisingly lower than those who sleep soundly. Somnambulism – otherwise known as sleepwalking – is a phenomenon which has fascinated the public and neurologists for decades, but a lot of what causes it remains a mystery. Affecting up to 4% of adults, sleepwalking is a non-rapid-eye movement (NREM) sleep parasomnia that not only gives someone a poor night’s sleep, but also puts them at serious risk of injury and, in some cases, lead to unintended violence against others. The following day can also prove challenging as the sleepwalker will feel unrested and a strong desire to fall asleep (somnolence). Unfortunately for those predisposed to sleepwalking episodes, prolonged sleep deprivation increases both their frequency and complexity, making it harder for them to achieve the deep sleep the body needs to function healthily. Now, in a paper published to Frontiers in Neurology, researchers at the University of Montréal and Montréal Sacred Heart Hospital, Canada aimed to further investigate the hypothesis that sleepwalking is […]
Featured news
23 Jul 2019
An estimated 8% of our DNA comes from viruses. Image: Shutterstock. Viruses hid themselves in your ancestors’ DNA. Now they’re waking up. — by Matthew Prior, Frontiers science writer What if the missing ‘environmental’ factor in some of our deadliest neurological diseases were really written in our genome? Writing in Frontiers in Genetics, researchers from the University of Düsseldorf explain how viruses ended up in our DNA – and what puts them in the frame in unsolved diseases like multiple sclerosis. Neural Cell Responses Upon Exposure to Human Endogenous Retroviruses► Read original article► Download original article (pdf) The enemy within? A whopping 8% of our DNA comes from viruses. Specifically, ones called retroviruses – not because they’re old, but because they reverse the normal process of reading DNA to write themselves into their host’s genome. Retroviruses are old though: they began merging with our ancestors millions of years ago. Over the millennia, most of their remnants in our DNA – known as human endogenous retroviruses or HERVs – have been silenced by mutations. Others, which had evolved to fend off rival viruses, formed the prototypical immune system and to this day protect us from infection. However, HERVs might also be the missing […]
Frontiers news
28 Jun 2017
With an Impact Factor of 3.552, Frontiers in Neurology is the 2nd most cited open-access journal in Clinical Neurology.
Frontiers news
29 Mar 2017
Led by the new Specialty Chief Editor Prof. Yves Dauvilliers, this multidisciplinary section is open for submissions of studies on sleep, circadian rhythms and their disorders, including the clinical practice. We are happy to announce that Professor Yves Dauvilliers has joined Frontiers in Neurology and Frontiers in Psychiatry as the Specialty Chief Editor of the section “Sleep and Chronobiology”. “Sleep is a universal physiological need that plays a key role in the prevention of health problems. In modern life, sleep disruption through behavioral deprivation is a major issue”, says Prof. Dauvilliers in his Specialty Grand Challenge article. “Sleep disorders are very common and often disabling conditions that can be isolated or associated with neurological disorders. “ Prof. Dauvilliers is Head of the Sleep Laboratory at the University of Montpellier and the Director of the Sleep Disorders Centre, in the Department of Neurology at the Gui de Chauliac Hospital in Montpellier, in France. He is also the coordinator of the French National Reference Network for Orphan Diseases (Narcolepsy, Hypersomnia, Kleine-Levin Syndrome). You may find Professor Dauvilliers’ full biography here. Working on the diagnosis, epidemiology, pathophysiology and therapy of several sleep disorders, Prof. Dauvilliers has focused mainly on neurological disorders including narcolepsy but also […]
Frontiers news
08 Aug 2016
Longitudinal Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging CO2 Stress Testing in Individual Adolescent Sports-Related Concussion Patients: A Pilot Study W. Alan C. Mutch*, Michael J. Ellis, Lawrence N. Ryner, Marc P. Morissette, Philip J. Pries, Brenden Dufault, Marco Essig, David J. Mikulis, James Duffin and Joseph A. Fisher Functional Connectivity Is Altered in Concussed Adolescent Athletes Despite Medical Clearance to Return to Play: A Preliminary Report Mary R. Newsome*, Xiaoqi Li, Xiaodi Lin, Elisabeth A. Wilde, Summer Ott, Brian Biekman, Jill V. Hunter, Pramod K. Dash, Brian A. Taylor and Harvey S. Levin State Anxiety Subjective Imbalance and Handicap in Vestibular Schwannoma Yougan Saman*, Lucie Mclellan, Laurence Mckenna, Mayank B. Dutia, Rupert Obholzer, Gerald Libby, Michael Gleeson and Doris-Eva Bamiou An Abbreviated Diagnostic Maneuver for Posterior Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo Pia Michael, Carolina Estibaliz Oliva, Marcia Nuñez, Cristian Barraza, Juan Pablo Faúndez and Hayo A. Breinbauer* Intrusive Thoughts Elicited by Direct Electrical Stimulation during Stereo-Electroencephalography Irina Popa, Cristian Donos, Andrei Barborica, Ioan Opris, Mihai Dragoş Mălîia, Mirela Ene, Jean Ciurea and Ioana Mîndruţă* Aging Increases Compensatory Saccade Amplitude in the Video Head Impulse Test Eric R. Anson*, Robin T. Bigelow, John P. Carey, Quan-Li Xue, Stephanie Studenski, Michael C. Schubert, Konrad P. Weber and Yuri Agrawal
Frontiers news
08 Jul 2016
The Effects of External Jugular Compression Applied during Head Impact Exposure on Longitudinal Changes in Brain Neuroanatomical and Neurophysiological Biomarkers: A Preliminary Investigation Gregory D. Myer*, Weihong Yuan, Kim D. Barber Foss, David Smith, Mekibib Altaye, Amit Reches, James Leach, Adam W. Kiefer, Jane C. Khoury, Michal Weiss, Staci Thomas, Chris Dicesare, Janet Adams, Paul J. Gubanich, Amir Geva, Joseph F. Clark, William P. Meehan, Jason P. Mihalik and Darcy Krueger The Epidemiology of Sports-Related Head Injury and Concussion in Water Polo Robert S. Blumenfeld, Jessica C. Winsell, James W. Hicks and Steven L. Small* A Pathway Proteomic Profile of Ischemic Stroke Survivors Reveals Innate Immune Dysfunction in Association with Mild Symptoms of Depression – A Pilot Study Vinh A. Nguyen, Leeanne M. Carey*, Loretta Giummarra, Pierre Faou, Ira Cooke, David W. Howells, Tamara Tse, S. Lance Macaulay, Henry Ma, Stephen M. Davis, Geoffrey A. Donnan and Sheila G. Crewther Degradation of Binocular Coordination during Sleep Deprivation Jianliang Tong, Jun Maruta*, Kristin J. Heaton, Alexis L. Maule, Umesh Rajashekar, Lisa A. Spielman and Jamshid Ghajar Sex Differences in Insular Cortex Gyri Responses to the Valsalva Maneuver Paul M. Macey*, Nicholas S. Rieken, Rajesh Kumar, Jennifer A. Ogren, Holly R. Middlekauff, Paula Wu, Mary A. […]
Impact analysis
03 Jul 2016
Coming soon: 2017 analysis based on the most recent Journal Citation Reports by Clarivate Analytics (formerly published by Thomson Reuters). Frontiers in Neurology, launched in 2010, received its first official Impact Factor of 3.184 in 2016. In just 5 years, it became the most cited and the 3rd largest open-access journal in Neurology. Impact Factor (IF), defined as the total number of citations in a given year divided by the number of citable articles over the previous two-year period, is the most commonly accepted metric of journal quality (but not of an individual paper or researcher). It was formally established by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) in 1975. As the IF can be heavily skewed by a few highly-cited papers, total citations generated over the same two-year period provide a more accurate indication of the overall influence or impact of the articles published by a journal in a field. Frontiers is a pioneer in the use of article-level and author-level metrics and encourages every author to use these to track the development of his or her readership on a more granular level. Analysis within the category of Neurology There are 192 journals listed in the category of Neurology in the 2015 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provided by Thomson Reuters in […]
Frontiers news
07 Jun 2016
ACTH Prevents Deficits in Fear Extinction Associated with Early Life Seizures Andrew T. Massey, David K. Lerner, Gregory L. Holmes, Rod C. Scott and Amanda E. Hernan* BDNF Genotype Interacts with Motor Function to Influence Rehabilitation Responsiveness Poststroke Christine T. Shiner, Kerrie D. Pierce, Angelica G. Thompson-Butel, Terry Trinh, Peter R. Schofield and Penelope A. McNulty* Temporal Profile of Cerebrovascular Reactivity Impairment, Gray Matter Volumes, and Persistent Symptoms after Mild Traumatic Head Injury Leodante da Costa*, Christiaan Bas van Niftrik, David Crane, Jorn Fierstra and Allison Bethune Sequence Effect in Parkinson’s Disease Is Related to Motor Energetic Cost Sule Tinaz*, Ajay S. Pillai and Mark Hallett The Cerebellum and SIDS: Disordered Breathing in a Mouse Model of Developmental Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Loss during Recovery from Hypercarbia Michele A. Calton, Jeremy R. Howard, Ronald M. Harper, Dan Goldowitz and Guy Mittleman* Distribution and Coexistence of Myoclonus and Dystonia as Clinical Predictors of SGCE Mutation Status: A Pilot Study Rodi Zutt, Joke M. Dijk, Kathryn J. Peall, Hans Speelman, Yasmine E. M. Dreissen, Maria Fiorella Contarino and Marina A. J. Tijssen* Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies: Clinical Approach and Management Asma Malik*, Ghazala Hayat*, Junaid S. Kalia and Miguel A. Guzman Artistic Skills Recovery and Compensation in Visual Artists after Stroke […]
Frontiers news
08 May 2016
Comparison of the Bedside Head-Impulse Test with the Video Head-Impulse Test in a Clinical Practice Setting: A Prospective Study of 500 Outpatients Chun Wai Yip*, Miriam Glaser, Claudia Frenzel, Otmar Bayer and Michael Strupp Public Knowledge and Attitude toward Essential Tremor: A Questionnaire Survey Sherif Shalaby, Jeffrey Indes, Benison Keung, Christopher H. Gottschalk, Duarte Machado, Amar Patel, Daphne Robakis and Elan D. Louis* Effects of Primary Blast Overpressure on Retina and Optic Tract in Rats James DeMar*, Keith Sharrow, Miya Hill, Jonathan Berman, Thomas Oliver and Joseph Long Application of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neurorehabilitation: The Modulatory Effect of Sleep James K. Ebajemito, Leonardo Furlan, Christoph Nissen and Annette Sterr* Visual and Ocular Manifestations of Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Use as Biomarkers for Diagnosis and Progression Fatimah Zara Javaid, Jonathan Brenton, Li Guo and Maria F. Cordeiro* Rodent Hypoxia–Ischemia Models for Cerebral Palsy Research: A Systematic Review Prakasham Rumajogee, Tatiana Bregman, Steven P. Miller, Jerome Y. Yager and Michael G. Fehlings* Technique of ICP Monitored Stepwise Intracranial Decompression Effectively Reduces Postoperative Complications of Severe Bifrontal Contusion Guan Sun, Lei Shi*, Tianhong Pan, Xiaoliang Li and Shuguang Zhang A Case of Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy Mimicking Brain Death and Review of the Literature Sandhya Ravikumar, Poysophon […]
Frontiers news
10 Apr 2016
3D Cinema and Headache: The First Evidential Relation and Analysis of Involved Factors Mark Braschinsky*, Aire Raidvee, Liis Sabre, Nadzeja Zmachinskaja, Olga Zukovskaja, Anti Karask, Bruno Saar and Aleksei Rakitin Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction: Insights in Etiologies, Clinical Subtypes, and Diagnostics F. Lucieer, P. Vonk, N. Guinand, R. Stokroos, H. Kingma and Raymond van de Berg* Assessing the Relationship between Neurocognitive Performance and Brain Volume in Chronic Moderate–Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Nikos Konstantinou*, Eva Pettemeridou, Ioannis Seimenis, Eleni Eracleous, Savvas S. Papacostas, Andrew C. Papanicolaou and Fofi Constantinidou Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Deprivation Induces Neuronal Apoptosis by Noradrenaline Acting on Alpha1 Adrenoceptor and by Triggering Mitochondrial Intrinsic Pathway Bindu I. Somarajan, Mudasir A. Khanday and Birendra N. Mallick* Espresso Coffee for the Treatment of Somnolence in Parkinson’s Disease: Results of n-of-1 Trials Joaquim J. Ferreira*, Tiago Mestre, Leonor Correia Guedes, Miguel Coelho, Mário M. Rosa, Ana T. Santos, Marcio Barra, Cristina Sampaio and Olivier Rascol Lesion Size Is Exacerbated in Hypoxic Rats Whereas Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Increase in Injured Normoxic Rats: A Prospective Cohort Study of Secondary Hypoxia in Focal Traumatic Brain Injury Eric Peter Thelin*, Arvid Frostell, Jan Mulder, Nicholas Mitsios, Peter Damberg, Sahar Nikkhou Aski, Mårten Risling, Mikael Svensson, […]
Frontiers news
07 Mar 2016
A Prospective Pilot Investigation of Brain Volume, White Matter Hyperintensities, and Hemorrhagic Lesions after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Michael Jarrett, Roger Tam, Enedino Hernández-Torres, Nancy Martin, Warren Perera, Yinshan Zhao, Elham Shahinfard, Shiroy Dadachanji, Jack Taunton, David K. B. Li and Alexander Rauscher* Modeling the Presence of Myelin and Edema in the Brain Based on Multi-Parametric Quantitative MRI Marcel Warntjes*, Maria Engström, Anders Tisell and Peter Lundberg Autonomic Nervous System Responses to Concussion: Arterial Pulse Contour Analysis Michael F. La Fountaine*, Michita Toda, Anthony J. Testa and Vicci Hill-Lombardi Cellular High-Energy Cavitation Trauma – Description of a Novel In Vitro Trauma Model in Three Different Cell Types Yuli Cao, Mårten Risling, Elisabeth Malm, Anders Sondén, Magnus Frödin Bolling and Mattias K. Sköld* The Effect of Dopaminergic Medication on Beat-Based Auditory Timing in Parkinson’s Disease Daniel J. Cameron*, Kristen A. Pickett, Gammon M. Earhart and Jessica A. Grahn Cerebral Microcirculation during Experimental Normovolaemic Anemia Judith Bellapart*, Kylie Cuthbertson, Kimble Dunster, Sara Diab, David G. Platts, O. Christopher Raffel, Levon Gabrielian, Adrian Barnett, Jenifer Paratz, Rob Boots and John F. Fraser The Effect of Age on Improvements in Vestibulo-Ocular Reflexes and Balance Control after Acute Unilateral Peripheral Vestibular Loss Alja Scheltinga, Flurin […]
Frontiers news
08 Feb 2016
Eye-Movement Training Results in Changes in qEEG and NIH Stroke Scale in Subjects Suffering from Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Ischemic Stroke: A Randomized Control Trial Frederick Robert Carrick*, Elena Oggero, Guido Pagnacco, Cameron H. G. Wright, Calixto Machado, Genco Estrada, Alejandro Pando, Juan C. Cossio and Carlos Beltrán Dissociation between Conceptual and Perceptual Implicit Memory: Evidence from Patients with Frontal and Occipital Lobe Lesions Liang Gong*, JiHua Wang, XuDong Yang, Lei Feng, Xiu Li, Cui Gu, MeiHong Wang, JiaYun Hu and Huaidong Cheng* DNA Demethylation Upregulated Nrf2 Expression in Alzheimer’s Disease Cellular Model Huimin Cao, Li Wang, Beibei Chen, Peng Zheng, Yi He, Yubin Ding, Yushuang Deng, Xi Lu, Xiuming Guo, Yuping Zhang, Yu Li and Gang Yu* Gray Matter Volume and Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Motor Cortex-Cerebellum Network Reflect the Individual Variation in Masticatory Performance in Healthy Elderly People Chia-Shu Lin*, Shih-Yun Wu, Ching-Yi Wu and Hsien-Wei Ko Limited Effect of Dopaminergic Medication on Straight Walking and Turning in Early-to-Moderate Parkinson’s Disease during Single and Dual Tasking Morad Elshehabi*, Katrin S. Maier, Sandra E. Hasmann, Susanne Nussbaum, Heinz Herbst, Tanja Heger, Daniela Berg, Markus A. Hobert and Walter Maetzler* Antisaccadic Eye Movements Are Correlated with Corpus Callosum White Matter Mean Diffusivity, Stroop Performance, […]
Frontiers news
10 Jan 2016
Selectively Disrupted Functional Connectivity Networks in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Yaojing Chen, Zhen Liu, Junying Zhang, Guihua Tian, Linzi Li, Sisi Zhang, Xin Li, Kewei Chen and Zhanjun Zhang* The Right Supramarginal Gyrus Is Important for Proprioception in Healthy and Stroke-Affected Participants: A Functional MRI Study Ettie Ben-Shabat*, Thomas A. Matyas, Gaby S. Pell, Amy Brodtmann and Leeanne M. Carey Discrimination between Alzheimer’s Disease and Late Onset Bipolar Disorder Using Multivariate Analysis Ariadna Besga*, Itxaso Gonzalez, Enrique Echeburua, Alexandre Savio, Borja Ayerdi, Darya Chyzhyk, Jose L. M. Madrigal, Juan C. Leza, Manuel Grana and Ana Maria Gonzalez-Pinto Amplitudes of Pain-Related Evoked Potentials Are Useful to Detect Small Fiber Involvement in Painful Mixed Fiber Neuropathies in Addition to Quantitative Sensory Testing – An Electrophysiological Study Niels Hansen, Ann-Kathrin Kahn, Daniel Zeller, Zaza Katsarava, Claudia Sommer and Nurcan Üçeyler* Age-Related Sexual Dimorphism in Temporal Discrimination and in Adult-Onset Dystonia Suggests GABAergic Mechanisms John S. Butler, Ines M. Beiser, Laura Williams, Eavan McGovern, Fiona Molloy, Tim Lynch, Daniel G. Healy, Helena Moore, Richard Walsh, Richard B. Reilly, Sean O’Riordan, Cathal Walsh and Michael Hutchinson* Quetiapine Inhibits Microglial Activation by Neutralizing Abnormal STIM1-Mediated Intercellular Calcium Homeostasis and Promotes Myelin Repair in a Cuprizone -Induced Mouse Model of Demyelination Hanzhi […]
08 Jan 2016
Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability among adults. Known within the research community as a “brain attack”, it is when cells in the brain die due to poor blood flow. For example, in the most common type of stroke, the blockage of a blood vessel starves an area of the brain from proper nutrition, oxygen, blood sugar and other main nutrients. The prevalence of stroke is just one of the reasons why Professor Jose Biller decided to focus his research on this condition. Chair of the Department of Neurology at Loyola University in Chicago, Biller’s main research interest is in the clinical trials relating to the treatment of stroke. Taking the clinical approach to stroke also has a personal incentive for Billler as members of his family have suffered from strokes. But it is the preventability and treatability of this condition that drives his interest in the field. “It is a very prevalent condition…” said Biller. “I think there is a need for further advances.” Stroke can affect everybody Most of us associate strokes with the elderly and yet Biller has a special interest researching strokes occurring in young adults. Biller explained that strokes can in fact occur […]
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