30 Jan 2023
Five articles you need to check out on the future of surgery
By Colm Gorey, Science Communications Manager Image: Shutterstock.com From robotic surgeons to ultra-detailed imaging technology, the field of surgery is going through rapid change. To help us understand what the latest research is in this world of dissection, Frontiers highlights just some of the top articles we’ve recently published. The robot takeover of the workforce is nowhere more apparent than in the medical world, where many delicate surgical procedures are either aided by a robotic assistant, or in some cases performed entirely by a machine. But advances in surgery are not just limited to robotics, with new imaging technologies helping us peer inside the human body like never before. Here are five recent Frontiers articles published as part of the research topic ‘Anatomical Fundamentals of Advanced Surgical Techniques’ that may greatly influence even more breakthroughs in the future. Robotic pelvic exenteration for gynecologic malignancies, anatomic landmarks, and surgical steps: a systematic review Pelvic exenteration – a surgical operation to remove multiple organs in the pelvis – represents the last resort procedure for patients with advanced primary or recurrent gynecological malignancy, such as endometrial cancer. However, since 2009, the advent of robotic surgery resulted in a new spur to the […]