Economic Geology for the 21st Century

Economic Geology makes advances in the sustainable exploration of ore, mineral and other earth materials freely available through our open-access online platform.

In a changing world, economic geology is not only about supporting our current energy demands but also expanding research to support our energy needs of the future via the precious minerals required for battery development, satellite communications, and other smart technologies.

“I welcome cutting edge research to reviews in the field of mineral resources helping to promote a greater understanding of the importance of research, both past and present, in this fundamentally important field”, says Professor David Lentz, incoming Specialty Chief Editor and University of New Brunswick Research Chair in Economic Geology.

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To this end Professor Valerio Acocella, Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Earth Science, describes our new specialty as “meeting the challenges of accessing Earth’s resources in the 21st Century”.

If you have a shared passion for Economic Geology, why not explore our first article collection below, which is now open for submissions:

New Analytical Methods Constraining the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Large Scale Mineralization in China led by A/Prof. Guoguang Wang, Prof. Kui-Dong Zhao, Prof. Ryan Mathur, Dr Yingchao Liu and A/Prof. Hui Chen.

Browse other article collections within Frontiers in Earth Science.

Frontiers journals also consistently rank among the world’s most-cited in their fields and in the top Impact Factor and CiteScore percentiles. Discover more