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New section in Frontiers in Earth Science: Solid Earth Geophysics

Frontiers in Earth Science is proud to announce the launch of a new section, Solid Earth Geophysics

Frontiers in Earth Science is proud to announce the launch of a new section, Solid Earth Geophysics

Frontiers in Earth Science is proud to announce the launch of a new section, Solid Earth Geophysics. The latest expansion to the portfolio will aim to advance our understanding of the dynamics, composition and structure of the Earth, focusing on both regional and global issues.

Professor Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni of University College London, United Kingdom will lead this endeavor as Specialty Chief Editor and the Frontiers in Earth Science team is delighted to be working together to further open science in this field.

“Key to the future of geophysics is open sharing of data, models and expertise, she says. “This has to include the global scientific community and not only libraries that can afford to buy journals. It goes along with the developments that make all data, models and software available to researchers worldwide.”

In line with her aim of creating an interdisciplinary space for researchers to collaborate, Prof. Lithgow-Bertelloni has brought together experts from a range of disciplines to serve on the editorial board.

“Our understanding of the Earth from regional to global scales depends on an integration of disciplines, especially as we advance technically and technologically.”

The section welcomes research from all geophysical fields, including rock mechanics, experimental and computational mineral physics, seismology and lithosphere and mantle dynamics.

Solid Earth Geophysics is now ready to welcome high-quality submissions and Research Topic proposals.

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December 08, 2017

Frontiers Communications

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