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4,000th article published in Frontiers in Pharmacology

— by Alessandra Conte

Frontiers in Pharmacology has reached a new milestone by its 4000th article. The article is a review from researchers affiliated at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and discusses endogenous repairing mechanisms following myocardial infarction.

Myocardial infarction is a cardiovascular disease and one of the major global causes of morbidity and mortality. There is currently a pressing need to better understand how repairing mechanisms work following myocardial infarction. This review considers this important issue from the perspective of the translational potential of these mechanisms into future therapeutic strategies.

This article is part of a wider article collection highlighting the concept of Resolution Pharmacology within the section Inflammation Pharmacology, led by Paola Patrignani as Specialty Chief Editor. 

Frontiers in Pharmacology publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research across the entire research spectrum of pharmacology including basic pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacy and toxicology. We are thrilled to be able to engage with the pharmacology community, and thank our authors, editors and reviewers for the continued collaboration.

Frontiers journals lead in citations and rank in top Impact Factor and CiteScore percentiles. See full analysis

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November 26, 2018

Frontiers Communications

Frontiers Communications


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