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Smart grid, Smart science – Professor Joe Dong heads new Energy Research specialty section

Frontiers in Microbiology: Researchers observing evolutionary change in real time show that a fungal parasite can quickly adapt to a population of genetically identical cyanobacteria but not to populations with different genetic variants

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New Specialty Section in Frontiers in Energy Research will look at how Smart Grid frameworks can solve energy-related challenges for today’s society.

– By Louisa Woods

Smart Grid technologies have been touted as the answer to the world’s energy storage problems. By allowing for near-real-time communication between various grid elements in generation, transmission, distribution and loads, energy consumption is optimized in these intelligent energy networks.

In recent years, research into the Smart Grid framework has accelerated, supported by government subsidies worldwide. However, rapid growth in the field has been met with various challenges – issues that will be addressed in the newly launched section Smart Grids, led by Joe Dong, Professor at the University of New South Wales.

“Developments to Smart Grid frameworks are needed to further investigate ways in which we can solve new energy-related challenges for today’s society. This includes, but is not limited to, energy water nexus, energy-water-food nexus, and the energy trilemma of reliability, sustainability and affordability,” states Professor Dong.

The Smart Grids section welcomes research that addresses the scientific, engineering, social-economic and regulatory aspects of Smart Grid research.

Professor Dong states, “If we are to move forward with Smart Grid solutions, we need to address a host of current challenges, including electricity generation and transmission, new technologies in smart meters, Smart Grid telecommunication and computing infrastructure, renewable energy generation, and social economic and regulatory aspects of Smart Grid technologies, among others.

“To address these challenges, this section aims to provide an inspiring platform for researchers and industrial experts to share their work on Smart Grid.”

Smart Grids is now hosting a key Research Topic in Computational Intelligence Techniques for Renewable Energy and Smart Grid

Smart Grids is now open for high-quality article submissions and welcomes Research Topic proposals.

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July 11, 2018

Frontiers Communications

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