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- Frontiers in Neurology: new Neurorehabilitation section at the forefront of research innovation
Frontiers in Neurology: new Neurorehabilitation section at the forefront of research innovation

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The latest Frontiers in Neurology section provides an interdisciplinary platform for new developments in the highly complex field of neurorehabilitation.
— by Rossella Rebecchi
Frontiers warmly welcomes Professor Giorgio Sandrini, Professor Volker Hömberg and Professor Ross Zafonte as Specialty Chief Editors of the new Neurorehabilitation section, developed in partnership with the European Federation of Neurorehabilitation Societies (EFNR).
“This is a remarkable time to focus on neurorehabilitation,” says Dr Zafonte, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. “The confluence of biological and technological advancements has been significant in the past few years, allowing clinicians to enhance the amount and the intensity of neurorehabilitation treatments and to focus on changing outcome for patients.”
Thanks to basic research, clinicians have now the extraordinary ability to create and develop enriched environments for the neurorehabilitation of patients severely affected by stroke, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular disease and brain and spinal cord injury.
Moreover, Professor Sandrini, Director of the research Institute C. Mondino, and Professor Hömberg, General Secretary of the World Federation of Neurorehabilitation, highlight how new technologies (such as functional neuroimaging) can successfully maximize functional recovery after neurological injury.
The launch of the Neurorehabilitation section is therefore highly timely: diagnostic and therapeutic innovation in the field is extremely important and the need to rapidly transfer knowledge is key to appreciate changes in data and increase innovation through life-saving treatments. Open science is now able to create a truly technologically advanced approach to neurorehabilitation therapies, fostering patient care and education in the field.
The Specialty Chief Editors agree on how much Open Access is paramount to strengthen the dialogue across different academic fields and to establish a novel and multi-disciplinary understanding of recovery processes.
Frontiers extends a warm welcome to the Chief Editors and their outstanding editorial board.
Neurorehabilitation welcomes high-quality article submissions and Research Topic proposals on clinical studies as well as basic research with translational value.
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