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Announcing the launch of Construction Management: a new specialty section of Frontiers in Built Environment

Frontiers in Built Environment: new Construction Management section

Image: Shutterstock

Chief Editor Dr. Zhen Chen leads a new section on Construction Management, advancing research into the life cycle of buildings and civil infrastructures

The new Construction Management section of Frontiers in Built Environment provides an Open Access, international platform for academic researchers and industry practitioners to share knowledge and experiences of innovative theories and solutions in the field and align these with practices. The section is led by Dr. Zhen Chen, an expert on science and technology for a sustainable built environment from the University of Strathclyde, UK.

Chief Editor Dr. Zhen Chen leads a new Construction Management section in Frontiers in Built Environment, publishing rigorous research over the lifecycle of buildings and civil infrastructures.

“The increasing amount of research into construction management by both academics and professionals worldwide reveals the need for new interdisciplinary research into theoretical developments and practical guides for construction management, as well as a unique platform to enable rapid sharing of knowledge,” says Dr. Chen.

This need is met by the arrival of the new Frontiers Open Access outlet, which offers researchers “a way to publish their research findings through a rapid professional publishing process extensively supported by a well-established dedicating editorial team with world-class research expertise and specialisms to maximize research impact.”

Dr. Chen continues, “Open Access provides free and timely access to the latest information and innovations in the field of Construction Management, to researchers as well as other stakeholders.”

The new section promotes the dissemination of rigorous and innovative research and will contribute to tackling the main challenges facing the field of construction management today. Dr. Chen identifies these as “the dependable implementation of a well-developed management system sustained by rich data, timely information and reliable resources within a project-oriented organizational environment.”

Dr. Chen’s research focuses on incorporating methodological and life-cycle-oriented approaches to gain comprehensive understandings, accurate descriptions and advanced solutions for proactive problem solving in engineering and management areas.

In his capacity as Specialty Chief Editor of the Construction Management section, he is dedicated to creating a unique platform for inspiring, innovative and rigorous research that informs the construction of dependable buildings and infrastructure.

Construction Management welcomes high-quality article submissions and Research Topic proposals. Send us yours and join this new and exciting venture within the field of Built Environment.

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May 17, 2018


Emma Duncan

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