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Frontiers for Young Minds goes global


Why are invasive species so dangerous for the environment?  How does empathy work in teenagers? Edited by kids, for kids, Frontiers for Young Minds reports on these and hundreds of other recent scientific discoveries, written to be understood by children and their families around the world.

Today, Frontiers is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Patrick & Lina Drahi Foundation to bring articles on cutting-edge science to children in new languages, starting with a Jerusalem-based pilot project for Hebrew-speaking kids.

These freely available scientific articles are all authored by distinguished scientists, and each article is evaluated and critiqued by the kids themselves. This helps get kids involved in, and excited about, science at an early age.

The three-year grant will allow Professor Idan Segev of the Hebrew University to establish a Hebrew editorial office for Frontiers for Young Minds at the Bloomfield Science Museum. Articles written by Israeli scientists will be reviewed and edited in Hebrew by school kids in Israel, and then published in both Hebrew and English on the Frontiers for Young Minds website.

“For me, this is the most wonderful dream come true at a global scale,” says Idan Segev. “Involving kids as reviewers of scientific articles is a unique opportunity for scientists to discover a new voice in creating accessible and open research to children and their families worldwide.”

Part of the grant will be used to develop the web technology to publish and display content in any language, anticipating the expansion to French, Portuguese, Spanish and German.

Frontiers for Young Minds Field Chief Editor, Professor Robert Knight of UC Berkeley said, “This wonderful Drahi support will rapidly expand Frontiers for Young Minds to many kids around the world. The initial Israel program will serve as the model for how to get kids engaged in the scientific process in many countries and in many languages.”

Frontiers Executive Editor, Dr Fred Fenter said, “We are delighted and inspired by this grant from the Patrick & Lina Drahi Foundation, which will allow us to expand the journal to millions of new children. Frontiers and the Drahi Foundation share the vision of making today’s scientific research understandable and openly available to all the world’s citizens.”

The Swiss-based Patrick & Lina Drahi Foundation, established in 2014, supports science and technology projects, with a focus on digital innovation, supporting students and academic entrepreneurship.

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November 14, 2017


Frontiers for Young Minds

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