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New Section in Frontiers in Psychology: Evolutionary Psychology

We are proud and delighted to announce the launch of the new specialty section on Evolutionary Psychology, within Frontiers in Psychology.

This section will be led by Specialty Chief Editor Professor Peter Jonason, Western Sydney University, Australia. The section will provide a platform specifically dedicated to the evolutionary psychology community, providing a specialized outlet in which to publish their research.

According to Prof. Jonason, Evolutionary Psychology can ‘uniquely account for cross-cultural, contextual, and biological effects in one theoretical framework’. The section will focus on the application of evolutionary theory to many aspects of psychology. This will encompass different psychological aspects, including sex differences, visual perception, the role of hormones in behavior and interpersonal relationships.

The section comes at a timely moment as the field still faces challenges. Prof. Jonason explains there is a need to combat ‘antiquated or overly simplified version[s] of evolutionary models of human behavior’. He tells us that the field of evolutionary psychology has matured to the point that it needs a section to empower researchers. Through Open Access, scientists can make their work available to a wider audience through the free dissemination of information. This will enable the testing of evolutionary models around the world more fully and promote an international outlook. As Specialty Chief Editor, Prof. Jonason’s goal is to give all researchers equal opportunity to publish and receive recognition for their work. He sees Open Access as a way to start combatting these wider problems.

“Open Access can level the playing field”

With a focus on balancing the scales between developing and established scientific communities, Prof. Jonason will use his international network to attract young researchers and upcoming scientists from all backgrounds. His aim is to publish research not just of novel value, but those that support, uphold or call for a revision to prior research.

Evolutionary Psychology is now ready to welcome high-quality submissions and Research Topic proposals.

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June 30, 2017

Frontiers Communications

Frontiers Communications


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