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OpenMinTeD needs your input


Are you a researcher spending a significant part of your time searching for relevant publications and research data related to your research and studies? Or, a text miner constantly analyzing and aggregating text and data to derive high quality information?

OpenMinTeD is a one of two Horizon 2020 projects where Frontiers is a partner. OpenMinTed’s goal is to create an open, service-oriented e-infrastructure for Text and Data Mining (TDM) of scientific and scholarly content. With OpenMinTeD, researchers will be able to collaboratively create, discover, share and re-use knowledge from a wide range of text-based scientific related sources in a seamless way.

To build this new infrastructure, OpenMinTeD needs your input:

Click the link and take the survey:

For researchers 

For text miners

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March 29, 2016

Frontiers Communications

Frontiers Communications


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