Frontiers Data Services Workshop 2018: Open Research Data to Support Sustainable Health Initiatives

Frontiers is pleased to host its second Data Services Workshop, to be held on 24 April 2018 at the Hotel Renaissance in Brussels. The meeting is organized in collaboration with the EU Horizon 2020 projects OpenMinTed  and OpenUp, in which Frontiers is a full partner, and SwissCore, the Swiss contact office for European research, innovation and education in Brussels.

This year’s workshop focuses on the application of open research data to support sustainable health initiatives. Drawing lessons from recent successes in the use of big data and artificial intelligence in data-intensive health research, it aims to discuss policy challenges and actions necessary in Europe to unleash the full potential of open research data in health for the benefit of society.

To this end, the event will feature panelists from leading institutions and companies specializing in this data-driven health research, together with representatives from academic libraries, patient advocacy, research funders, universities and the European Commission.

The provisional agenda and confirmed panelists are below.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please register here before 12 April 2018. Please note that space is limited.

Current agenda

09:00–09:15 Welcome

  • Fred Fenter – Executive Editor, Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Michel Goldman – Director, Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in HealthCare – I3h, Brussels, Belgium; Field Chief Editor, Frontiers in Medicine

09:15–10:45 Session 1: Breakthroughs in data-intensive health research

Moderator: Charlotte Geerdink – Senior European Advisor for Innovation, Swiss Contact Office for European Research, Innovation and Education

  • Integrating omic technologies into public health research: Paolo Vineis – Professor of Environmental Epidemiology, Imperial College London, UK; Field Chief Editor, Frontiers in Public Health

  • Open drug discovery: Lee Wen Hwa – Director, Disease Foundations Network, Strategic Alliances, Structural Genomics Consortium, Oxford, UK

  • Text & data mining and health states modelling: Michael Rebhan – Senior Investigator, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland

11:15–13:15 Session 2: Cutting-edge technologies and services for data-intensive health research

Moderator: Fred Fenter – Executive Editor, Frontiers

  • FAIR data and knowledge management: Samuel Kerrien – Section Manager Data and Knowledge Engineering – Blue Brain Project/EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Data infrastructure: Christine Durinx – Associate Director, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Research data and knowledge management: Ian Potter – Global Business Development Manager, Publishing & Associations, Clarivate Analytics, United Kingdom

  • Artificial intelligence in open access publishing: Mattia Albergante – Lead Product Manager, Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Text and data mining: Lucas Anastasiou – Project Officer, Knowledge Media Institute (KMI), The Open University, United Kingdom

14:15–16:15 Session 3: Achieving open research data in health – overcoming the EU policy, institutional, and regulatory challenges

Moderator: Monica Dietl – Senior Advisor,Science|Business

This session brings together policymakers and stakeholder representatives to identify the key challenges that Europe faces in expanding and leveraging open research data in health, and the policies necessary to address these.

Aspects likely to be covered include:

  • Designing the next EU Research & Innovation programme to ensure it best supports big data research in health according to the FAIR principles (whereby research results – publications and data – are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable)

  • Specific considerations necessary for open research data in health with respect to privacy, security and public benefit (including the Public Sector Information Directive)

  • Achieving balance between data protection and open-ness to foster innovation (including the General Data Protection Regulation and the EU Copyright Reform)

  • Applications of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in health research, and the actions necessary to realise these opportunities

  • Developing the researcher skills base necessary to ensure all EU member states can undertake and benefit from big data research in health

  • Engaging patients and citizens in data intensive health research for the benefit of society

Opening Keynote:

  • Cornelius Schmaltz, Head of Unit for Strategy, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, Brussels, Belgium


  • _DG CONNECT:_ Saila Rinne, Programme Officer, Unit Data Policy and Innovation, DG CONNECT, Luxembourg

  • Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP): Eva Mendez, Young European Research Universities (YERUN), OSPP, Madrid, Spain

  • Public research funders & performers****: Stephan Kuster, Secretary General, Science Europe, Brussels, Belgium

  • Patient groups: Tamás Bereczky, Coordinator EUPATI Germany, Patient Cluster lead IMI Big Data Project Harmony, Berlin, Germany

  • Research libraries: Jeannette Frey, Director BCU Lausanne, Vice-President LIBER, Lausanne, Switzerland

  • DG Research and Innovation****: Cornelius Schmaltz, Head of Unit for Strategy, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, Brussels, Belgium

16:20–16:30 Close

16:30–18:00 Networking reception

Register here before 12 April 2018.