Frontiers | Science News

Frontiers redesigns article pages

Frontiers is rooted in technology and develops online tools to maximize impact and outreach of articles.

We are pleased to announce that our article webpages have been enhanced to boost the visibility of authors and their research. The redesign is part of Frontiers’ ongoing improvement of its unique open-science platform and offers a new sleek, smooth and easy-to-navigate interface. Article-level impact analytics take center stage.

Improved features include an informative dashboard with advanced article-level impact analytics – a popular way of measuring the reach and impact of articles. Traditionally, the impact of an article was measured through Impact Factors at the journal level, but article-level metrics offer a fairer and more relevant measurement.Frontiers’ state-of-the-art article-level impact analytics, first introduced in 2008, are presented in a new interface with a detailed breakdown of the number of abstract views, article downloads, demographics of readers, top referral sites, top viewing countries and more. An Altmetrics tab charts the ‘buzz’ around articles, measured as the number of mentions, shares, and ‘likes’ on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Mendeley, news outlets and science blogs.

But it doesn’t stop there: based on these analytics, advanced crowd-based algorithms drive Frontiers’ unique Tiering Process, which democratically selects the highest-impact published research for showcasing to a broader audience as prestigious, invited ‘Focused Reviews’. This is a method of post-publication review and all readers can take part in discussions with authors as enabled by Frontiers’ commenting system to enhance scientific dialogue after publication.

All articles directly link to author profiles that include an author’s profile with a biography, list of publications, multimedia content and more. Frontiers profiles are directly plugged into the Research Network that connects scientists around the world, and increases profile views by 70% and publication views by 30%.

Frontiers is the first and only publisher to boost its open-access publishing platform with a research network and this is fast becoming a whole new model for science communication and collaboration for full-scale open-science.

All articles are still freely available to read (open-access, of course!), either online, in PDF format, or as a ReadCube document for an enhanced reading experience.

We hope you will like the redesign as much as we do! Let us know if you have any comments, as we continue to evolve based on feedback from our users – Frontiers is for scientists, by scientists. For general enquiries:

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February 24, 2015

Frontiers Communications

Frontiers Communications


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