Frontiers 2013 Progress Report

Frontiers 2013 Progress Report

Frontiers is pleased to announce the release of the Frontiers 2013 Progress Report, showcasing an incredible year of community-driven growth.

The Frontiers Progress Report, published today, details the major milestones and achievements reached in 2013, including a number of “Frontiers in” journals that have become among the largest and most highly cited in their fields.

Frontiers in Psychology, launched in 2010, is now the world’s largest psychology journal and Frontiers in Physiology, Frontiers in Plant Science and Frontiers in Microbiology are all the largest open-access journals in their respective fields.

Altogether, the “Frontiers in” journals published over 7,300 articles last year and place Frontiers among the top 5 leading open-access publishers worldwide.

Other notable highlights from 2013 include:

  • A nearly 50% growth in the number of published articles from 2012, up to 7,389 high-quality, peer reviewed articles in 2013

  • 45 community-driven, open-access journals that publish across 28 scientific, medical and engineering fields, and cover 300 specialty subjects

  •  16 new scientific, medical and engineering Field Journals launched in 2013, with many more planned for 2014

  • Over 40,000 high profile editors from 140 countries serve on the editorial boards

  • Frontiers Journal Impact Factors maintained a strong performance and two new journals were awarded new Impact Factors

  • 1,000 Research Topics published and over 200 available as free e-books

  • Frontiers articles have received over 45 million views and downloads

  • The Frontiers unique open-science platform receives over 6 million monthly page views

  • A historic partnership between Frontiers and Nature Publishing Group was announced to advance Open Science

  • Release of the new Interactive Review Forum that enhances the collaborative dialogue among authors, editors and reviewers

  • The Frontiers Review Forum enables a fair, efficient, rigorous, constructive and transparent review in 84 days from submission to acceptance

  • Redesign of the Frontiers advanced article impact pages to increase the reach and impact of Frontiers authors and their research

  •  Launch of Frontiers for Young Minds, a new science education initiative for young people who review articles by leading scientists. The initiative has included 86 kids, 79 mentoring scientists and 37 published articles

  • Regular international media coverage of Frontiers articles including the BBC, the New York Times, The Economist, TIME, Scientific American and more

  • The Frontiers Research Network includes over 140,000 users from 5,000 institutions and continues to increase profile views by 70% and publication views by 30%Frontiers is growing at unprecedented speed and developing into one of the most successful publishing endeavors in history. Thanks to all of you who were part of this incredible year of community-driven growth.

    Frontiers Progress Report is accessible here.