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Global warming after net zero CO₂

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Lead article

Diagram of processes that determine the Zero Emissions Commitment (ZEC), including ocean heat uptake, the ocean biogeochemical cycle, the land carbon cycle, and physical climate feedbacks.

Frontiers in Science Lead Article

Published on 14 Nov 2023

The Zero Emissions Commitment and climate stabilization

  • Sofia Palazzo Corner
  • Martin Siegert
  • Paulo Ceppi
  • Baylor Fox-Kemper
  • Thomas L. Frölicher
  • Angela Gallego-Sala
  • Joanna Haigh
  • Gabriele C. Hegerl
  • Chris D. Jones
  • Reto Knutti
  • Charles D. Koven
  • Andrew H. MacDougall
  • Malte Meinshausen
  • Zebedee Nicholls
  • Jean Baptiste Sallée
  • Benjamin M. Sanderson
  • Roland Séférian
  • Merritt Turetsky
  • Richard G. Williams
  • Sönke Zaehle
  • Joeri Rogelj
Frontiers in Science
doi 10.3389/fsci.2023.1170744
  • 8 citations

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