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Original Research

Published on 05 Nov 2021

Socio-Demographic Variables, Fear of COVID-19, Anxiety, and Depression: Prevalence, Relationships and Explanatory Model in the General Population of Seven Latin American Countries

in Health Psychology

  • Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez
  • José M. Tomás
  • Lindsey W. Vilca
  • Carlos Carbajal-León
  • Mauricio Cervigni
  • Miguel Gallegos
  • Pablo Martino
  • Ignacio Barés
  • Manuel Calandra
  • César Armando Rey Anacona
Socio-Demographic Variables, Fear of COVID-19, Anxiety, and Depression: Prevalence, Relationships and Explanatory Model in the General Population of Seven Latin American Countries
Frontiers in Psychology
doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.695989
  • 27 citations