The Human Brain Project SP4: Mathematical and Theoretical Foundations of Brain Research

The Human Brain Project SP4: Mathematical and Theoretical Foundations of Brain Research

The Human Brain Project's sub-project four: Mathematical and Theoretical Foundations of Brain Research will bring a mathematical framework to many different areas of HBP research. 

The main objectives of SP4 will be to i)provide mathematical techniques will be used to link different model types (from detailed to simplified), ii) provide models of brain signals at different scales, from cellular to large-scale iii) provide models of synaptic plasticity (4) provide models of several cognitive functions, such as perception-actions, attention, working memory as well as brain states such as wakefulness and sleep; iv) extract general principles of neural computation that can guide the design and implementation of Neuromorphic Computing Systems v) establish a European Institute of Theoretical Neuroscience to involve the theoretical community in HBP.

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