The functional column is a classical concept which was introduced in the last century. This concept has largely influenced practical and theoretical research and also our understanding of neocortical processing. While it was mainly attributed to non-rodent species and described in early sensory cortical areas such as the primary visual cortex it can also be identified in higher sensory, multimodal or motor areas. Concomitant with the clustering of neurons of similar functional characteristics into periodic domains or columns extending through all six cortical layers came the notion of a network of biased horizontal axons preferentially linking neurons with similar properties over short and long distances within a cortical area, across the corpus callosum and even between cortical areas. However, various experiments and models question this idea, as well as the role of the functional column in general, while providing evidence for both selective and unselective cortical connectivity.
The aim of the current topic is to gather diverging views and evidences on both functional columnar layouts and the topography of long-range intrinsic and cortico-cortical circuits. Research from different cortical systems and different mammalian species obtained with electrophysiological recordings, modern imaging and tracing techniques, their combinations, as well as theoretical work shall be considered.
We encourage the submission of experimental and theoretical research from mammalian species targeting potential functional columnar layouts in different primary sensory, multi-sensory, association or motor neocortical areas, and the related cortical circuits.
We would like to encourage the submission of original research articles but also reviews or mini-reviews
The functional column is a classical concept which was introduced in the last century. This concept has largely influenced practical and theoretical research and also our understanding of neocortical processing. While it was mainly attributed to non-rodent species and described in early sensory cortical areas such as the primary visual cortex it can also be identified in higher sensory, multimodal or motor areas. Concomitant with the clustering of neurons of similar functional characteristics into periodic domains or columns extending through all six cortical layers came the notion of a network of biased horizontal axons preferentially linking neurons with similar properties over short and long distances within a cortical area, across the corpus callosum and even between cortical areas. However, various experiments and models question this idea, as well as the role of the functional column in general, while providing evidence for both selective and unselective cortical connectivity.
The aim of the current topic is to gather diverging views and evidences on both functional columnar layouts and the topography of long-range intrinsic and cortico-cortical circuits. Research from different cortical systems and different mammalian species obtained with electrophysiological recordings, modern imaging and tracing techniques, their combinations, as well as theoretical work shall be considered.
We encourage the submission of experimental and theoretical research from mammalian species targeting potential functional columnar layouts in different primary sensory, multi-sensory, association or motor neocortical areas, and the related cortical circuits.
We would like to encourage the submission of original research articles but also reviews or mini-reviews