Frontiers news
27 Oct 2016
Frontiers Blog Guidelines
Community Guidelines for comments and content The Frontiers blog is a place for researchers, media, industry and the general public to discuss science and scholarly issues in a respectful and intelligent way. Please keep your posts on topic and constructive. Above all, respect others and their opinions. All comments, blog posts and other content will be reviewed by Frontiers’ blog editorial team. Content that defames or attacks others will be removed. In addition, content that promotes products or services, or is not on topic will also be removed. Frontiers reserves the right to remove any content that we feel is abusive or not constructive. Repeat offenders may be blocked. If you have a specific complaint about a published research article or about a review process, we are happy to look into the matter. Please contact the editorial office editorial.office@frontiersin.org so that we may follow our standard procedures for formal complaints. REPUBLISHING GUIDELINES: At Frontiers, open-access and sharing research is part of our mission. Unless otherwise noted, you can republish our articles posted in the Frontiers blog – as long as you credit us with a link back. Editing the articles or selling them is not allowed. Want to contribute with a blog post? If you are […]