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345 news posts in Open Access publishing agreements

Frontiers news

18 Dec 2017

Frontiers forms Open Access publishing agreement with Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung or UFZ) covers Article Processing Charges (APCs) for affiliated corresponding authors who wish to publish in any Frontiers journal. The UFZ is a participating member in an agreement for Open Access publishing between the Helmholtz Association (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren) and Frontiers, and as part of this agreement a 10% discount will be applied to APCs for articles by UFZ-affiliated corresponding authors. This discount is applied to the net APC, i.e. the APC, which would otherwise be payable after deduction of any other discounts that may apply. For information on whether your article is eligible under this agreement, please visit the UFZ Library webpage or email Ilka Rudolf at Update 29/01/18: The discount rate has been changed to 15%.   For information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional membership page or contact to discuss the possibilities for your library.

Frontiers news

04 Dec 2017

Frontiers forms Open Access publishing agreement with the University of Mannheim

We are delighted to inform you that the University of Mannheim holds a Central Invoicing agreement with Frontiers. The University of Mannheim can cover Article Publishing Fees for corresponding authors affiliated with the University who wish to publish in any of the Frontiers journals. For further information and requirements about the funding please visit this website or contact   For information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional membership page or contact to discuss the possibilities for your library.

Frontiers news

02 Oct 2017

Frontiers forms institutional agreement with Heidelberg University

Heidelberg University has established an institutional membership agreement with Frontiers as part of its Open Access Publishing Fund. Publication fees / article processing charges for manuscripts submitted to Frontiers journals can be supported by Heidelberg University’s Open Access Publishing Fund according to the Fund’s funding conditions. A prerequisite for this financial support is an approved funding application, which Heidelberg University researchers can submit via the University’s web application form. Please send this funding application before submitting your paper or at the latest at the time of submission. If there is no granted funding application, Heidelberg University will cancel the article from the University’s membership account and you will receive an individual invoice from Frontiers. Only for articles processed in this way via the University’s Publishing Fund, Frontiers grants a 5% discount on the article processing charge as part of this agreement, which is in addition to any other discounts that may apply. Should the processing charge after application of these discounts exceed 2,000 EUR including taxes or you require any further information, please visit the publishing fund website or contact For information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional membership page or contact to discuss the possibilities […]

Frontiers news

25 Sep 2017

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with University of Cambridge

We are delighted to inform you that University of Cambridge holds a central invoicing agreement with Frontiers. University of Cambridge covers Article Processing Charges for eligible authors affiliated with the University who wish to publish in any Frontiers journal. Eligible authors include: COAF funded papers (Arthritis Research UK, Bloodwise, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research and Wellcome Trust) UK Research and Innovation (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC, STFC) funded papers For information on whether you qualify for funding, please visit the Cambridge Open Access website (, or contact

Frontiers news

08 May 2017

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with University of Ottawa

We are delighted to inform you that University of Ottawa is in a pre-payment agreement with Frontiers. University of Ottawa will be covering 50% of the Article Publishing Fees for corresponding authors, affiliated to University of Ottawa, who wish to publish in any of the Frontiers journals. Eligible authors must use their email address at the time of submission. For further information, visit this webpage.

Frontiers news

13 Feb 2017

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with Technische Universität Darmstadt

We are delighted to inform you that Technische Universität Darmstadt holds a Central Invoicing agreement with Frontiers. Technische Universität Darmstadt, will cover Article Publishing Fees for eligible corresponding authors affiliated with the University who wish to publish in any of the Frontiers journals. Information for authors: To submit your article under this institutional agreement, please select ‘Technische Universität Darmstadt’ as institutional payer in the invoice section when submitting your article. Frontiers will then verify your eligibility with the Technische Universität Darmstadt, and if confirmed, the APC (minus the discount) will be paid by Technische Universität Darmstadt upon acceptance. For further information on requirements and whether you qualify for funding, please see or contact For information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional memberships page or contact to discuss the possibilities for your organisation.

Frontiers news

20 Dec 2016

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

[Updated for 2022] Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen has formed an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing with Frontiers. This institutional agreement means that articles by eligible Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen researchers will be prepaid and may benefit from a 10% membership discount. The university library of Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen supports its researchers in making their research more widely available. This agreement will further encourage Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen researchers to publish open access, increasing the volume of research openly available. While this reduces costs for the researcher, it also benefits the wider research community and the public at large. For more information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional memberships page or contact to discuss the possibilities for your own organization. Information for researchers If you are an Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen researcher, please select Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen in the payment information section (“Frontiers institutional members”) when submitting your article. Frontiers will verify your eligibility with the library and, if confirmed, the APC will be paid by Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen upon acceptance in advance. After publication you will receive an invoice from the University Library for your own share of the APC. For information […]

Frontiers news

06 Jul 2016

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with Manchester Metropolitan University

We are delighted to inform you that Manchester Metropolitan University holds a central invoicing agreement with Frontiers. Manchester Metropolitan University covers Article Publishing Fees for corresponding authors affiliated with the University who wish to publish in any Frontiers journal and who have received funding approval from their Associate Dean for Research. For information on guidelines and whether you qualify for funding, please visit  Open Access at MMU or contact the Library Acquisitions team at

Frontiers news

20 Jun 2016

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with The University of Edinburgh

We are delighted to inform you that The University of Edinburgh holds a central invoicing agreement with Frontiers. The University of Edinburgh covers Article Publishing Fees for corresponding authors affiliated with the University who wish to publish in any Frontiers journal. Eligible authors include: COAF authors (Arthritis Research UK, Bloodwise, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research and Wellcome Trust) Research Councils UK (UKRI) funded authors For information on whether you qualify for funding, please visit  Open Access at The University of Edinburgh, or contact The Scholarly Communications Team at

Frontiers news

09 Jun 2016

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with Potsdam University 2

We are delighted to inform you that Potsdam University is in a prepayment agreement with Frontiers Potsdam University covers Article Publishing Fees for corresponding authors affiliated with the University in any of the Frontiers journals. A 5% pre-payment discount will be applied to the net price which would otherwise be payable for publication, after deduction of any other discounts that may apply. For further information and details on whether you qualify for funding, please visit Open Access at Potsdam University  or contact the team at

Frontiers news

17 May 2016

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with The University of Sheffield

We are delighted to inform you that The University of Sheffield is in a pre-payment agreement with Frontiers The University of Sheffield covers Article Publishing Fees for UKRI-funded authors affiliated with the University who wish to publish in any Frontiers journal. A 10% discount will be applied to the net price which would otherwise be payable for publication, after deduction of any other discounts that may apply. For information on whether you qualify for funding, please visit  Open Access at The University of Sheffield, or contact

Frontiers news

22 Feb 2016

Frontiers forms publishing agreement with Universität Leipzig

We are delighted to inform you that Universität Leipzig holds a Central Invoicing agreement with Frontiers. Universität Leipzig, will cover Article Publishing Fees for eligible corresponding authors affiliated with the University who wish to publish in any of the Frontiers journals. For further information, requirements and whether you qualify for funding, please visit Open Access at Universität Leipzig or contact