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21 news posts in Oncology


06 Sep 2022

Bridging the medical gap in thoracic oncology – Prof Solange Peters and Dr Alfredo Addeo on the 4th International Lung Cancer Summit

Lung cancer, photomicrograph of small cell carcinoma As the scientific landscape across the field of oncology is constantly evolving, discussion around the latest treatment options in Thoracic Oncology is vital to help align on a common approach to the treatment of lung cancer – the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Prof Solange Peters and Dr Alfredo Addeo are this year’s chairs of the 4th International Lung Cancer Summit (ILCS) held in Lausanne, Switzerland. Frontiers in Oncology has an ongoing relationship with the summit and are proud to be involved in supporting a platform for sharing the latest discoveries and advances towards the treatment of lung cancer. Prof Peters is the chair of Medical Oncology in the department of oncology at Lausanne University Hospital. She is also the chair of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Women for Oncology Committee and the youngest ever ESMO president. Dr Addeo  is a consultant medical oncologist at the University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland. He is also an active ESMO member and one of our Associate Editors in Frontiers in Oncology. Dr Addeo has been involved in leading multiple successful collections in our Thoracic Oncology section including ‘New Insights Into Targeting ALK in Patients […]

Frontiers news

11 Apr 2022

Frontiers announces first journal acquisition: Oncology Reviews

The open-access publisher Frontiers has acquired the journal Oncology Reviews from PAGEPress. The acquisition marks a significant milestone for Frontiers. It is the first journal the publisher has acquired since it was founded in 2007. Oncology Reviews is also Frontiers’ first proprietary Reviews journal, aiming to publish highly impactful reviews, thought-provoking editorials and opinion pieces. Dr. Frederick Fenter, chief executive editor of Frontiers, said: “Our successful experience with supporting the journals of learned societies on our open-science platform has now made it possible to pursue our mission via the strategic acquisition of existing journals. The quality and reputation of Oncology Reviews is excellent, and I look forward to welcoming its outstanding panel of editorial board members and its editor-in-chief, Dr. Camillo Porta, to our community.” Launched in 1970, Oncology Reviews publishes authoritative reviews on preclinical and clinical aspects of oncology. Commenting on the acquisition, editor-in-chief, Dr. Porta said: “Working with Frontiers and their open-access platform is an important moment for our journal. I am confident their platform and their passion for quality, collaboration, and open access is the start of something exciting that will enable us to reach new heights.” Oncology Reviews is a popular choice for authors seeking an […]

Featured news

12 Sep 2019

Researchers identify cancer killing capability of lesser-known immune cells

Linked with obesity, esophageal cancer is one of the fastest growing cancers in the Western world. Image: Shutterstock. Finding new ways to reverse the inhibition of ‘MAIT’ immune cells could transform the prognosis of esophageal cancer — by Trinity College Dublin Researchers at Trinity College Dublin have identified, for the first time in esophageal cancer, the cancer killing capability of a lesser-known type of immune cell, presenting a new potential therapeutic target. Their research is published in Frontiers in Immunology. Esophageal cancer is a very aggressive type of cancer with poor prognosis, and the 5-year survival rate is typically less than 15%. Linked with obesity, esophageal cancer is one of the fastest growing cancers in the Western world and incidence is due to double in Ireland within the next few decades. Current treatment strategies work well but only for a minority (approx. 25%) of patients so new treatment options are urgently needed. New treatment strategies targeting the immune system have had revolutionary effects in other cancer types, but the latest clinical trials show that, disappointingly, immunotherapy offers no real benefit for the majority of patients with oesophageal cancer. Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells Display Diminished Effector Capacity in Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma► Read original […]

Frontiers news

07 Aug 2016

Most viewed Oncology articles in July 2016

Sickle Cells Abolish Melanoma Tumorigenesis in Hemoglobin SS Knockin Mice and Augment the Tumoricidal Effect of Oncolytic Virus In Vivo Chiang Wang Sun, Candice Willmon, Li-Chen Wu, Peter Knopick, Jutta Thoerner, Richard Vile, Tim M. Townes and David S. Terman* Predicting Biochemical Disease-Free Survival after Prostate Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy: Risk-Stratification and Patterns of Failure Alan Katz, Silvia C. Formenti and Josephine Kang* Proctitis 1 Week after Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: Implications for Clinical Trial Design Ima Paydar, Robyn A. Cyr, Thomas M. Yung, Siyuan Lei, Brian Timothy Collins, Leonard N. Chen, Simeng Suy, Anatoly Dritschilo, John H. Lynch and Sean P. Collins* Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Large Intestine: Clinicopathological Features and Predictive Factors of Lymph Node Metastasis Motohiro Kojima, Koji Ikeda, Norio Saito, Naoki Sakuyama, Kenichi Koushi, Shingo Kawano, Toshiaki Watanabe, Kenichi Sugihara, Masaaki Ito, and Atsushi Ochiai* Effect of Akimbo versus Raised Arm Positioning on Breast and Cardiopulmonary Dosimetry in Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma Kyle A. Denniston, Vivek Verma, Abhijeet R. Bhirud, Nathan R. Bennion and Chi Lin*

Frontiers news

06 Jul 2016

Most viewed Oncology articles in June 2016

Radiation-Induced Reprogramming of Pre-Senescent Mammary Epithelial Cells Enriches Putative CD44+/CD24−/low Stem Cell Phenotype Xuefeng Gao*, Brock J. Sishc*, Christopher B. Nelson, Philip Hahnfeldt, Susan M. Bailey and Lynn Hlatky 13C MRS and LC–MS Flux Analysis of Tumor Intermediary Metabolism Alexander A. Shestov*, Seung-Cheol Lee, Kavindra Nath, Lili Guo, David S. Nelson, Jeffrey C. Roman, Dennis B. Leeper, Mariusz A. Wasik, Ian A. Blair and Jerry D. Glickson* Hypoxia on the Expression of Hepatoma Upregulated Protein in Prostate Cancer Cells Ingrid Espinoza, Marcelo J. Sakiyama, Tangeng Ma, Logan Fair, Xinchun Zhou, Mohamed Hassan, Jovanny Zabaleta and Christian R. Gomez* Opioid-Induced Constipation among a Convenience Sample of Patients with Cancer Pain Karin S. Coyne, Chris Sexton, Robert J. LoCasale*, Frederic R. King, Mary Kay Margolis and Sam H. Ahmedzai Short DNA Fragments Are a Hallmark of Heavy Charged-Particle Irradiation and May Underlie Their Greater Therapeutic Efficacy Dalong Pang*, Sergey Chasovskikh, James E. Rodgers and Anatoly Dritschilo Evaluation of Superconducting Magnet Shield Configurations for Long Duration Manned Space Missions Filippo Ambroglini, Roberto Battiston and William J. Burger* Age and Prostate-Specific Antigen Level Prior to Diagnosis Predict Risk of Death from Prostate Cancer F. Roy MacKintosh, Preston C. Sprenkle*, Louise C. Walter, Lori Rawson, R. Jeffrey Karnes, Christopher H. Morrell, […]

Frontiers news

06 Jun 2016

Most viewed Oncology articles in May 2016

Stereotactic Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Rationale, Feasibility, and Early Experience Using the CyberKnife Radiosurgery Delivery Platform Olusola Obayomi-Davies*, Thomas P. Kole, Bridget Oppong, Sonali Rudra, Erini V. Makariou, Lloyd D. Campbell, Hozaifa M. Anjum, Sean P. Collins, Keith Unger, Shawna Willey, Eleni Tousimis and Brian T. Collins The FLUKA Code: An Accurate Simulation Tool for Particle Therapy Giuseppe Battistoni, Julia Bauer, Till T. Boehlen, Francesco Cerutti, Mary P. W. Chin, Ricardo Dos Santos Augusto, Alfredo Ferrari, Pablo G. Ortega, Wioletta Kozłowska, Giuseppe Magro, Andrea Mairani, Katia Parodi, Paola R. Sala*, Philippe Schoofs, Thomas Tessonnier and Vasilis Vlachoudis Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Boost for Unfavorable Prostate Cancer: The Georgetown University Experience Catherine Mercado, Marie-Adele Kress, Robyn A. Cyr, Leonard N. Chen, Thomas M. Yung, Elizabeth G. Bullock, Siyuan Lei, Brian T. Collins, Andrew N. Satinsky, K. William Harter, Simeng Suy, Anatoly Dritschilo, John H. Lynch and Sean P. Collins* Acute Urinary Morbidity Following Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer with Prophylactic Alpha-Adrenergic Antagonist and Urethral Dose Reduction Michael C. Repka, Shan Guleria, Robyn A. Cyr, Thomas M. Yung, Harsha Koneru, Leonard N. Chen, Siyuan Lei, Brian T. Collins, Pranay Krishnan, Simeng Suy, Anatoly Dritschilo, John […]

Frontiers news

07 May 2016

Most viewed Oncology articles in April 2016

Second Primary Malignancies in Adults with Gastric Cancer – A US Population-Based Study Binay Kumar Shah*, Amit Khanal and Yvonne Hewett Higher Initial DNA Damage and Persistent Cell Cycle Arrest after Carbon Ion Irradiation Compared to X-irradiation in Prostate and Colon Cancer Cells Annelies Suetens, Katrien Konings, Marjan Moreels*, Roel Quintens, Mieke Verslegers, Els Soors, Kevin Tabury, Vincent Grégoire and Sarah Baatout Differences of Variable Number Tandem Repeats in XRCC5 Promoter Are Associated with Increased or Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer in BRCA Gene Mutation Carriers Jian Cui, Jiangtao Luo, Yeong C. Kim, Carrie Snyder, Dina Becirovic, Bradley Downs, Henry Lynch* and San Ming Wang* Estrogen Receptor-Targeted Contrast Agents for Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Breast Cancer Hormonal Status Adi Pais and Hadassa Degani* Calculating Variations in Biological Effectiveness for a 62 MeV Proton Beam Mario Pietro Carante and Francesca Ballarini* Metabolic Study of Breast MCF-7 Tumor Spheroids after Gamma Irradiation by 1H NMR Spectroscopy and Microimaging Alessandra Palma*, Sveva Grande, Anna Maria Luciani, Vladimír Mlynárik, Laura Guidoni, Vincenza Viti and Antonella Rosi Disparities in Receipt of Radiotherapy and Survival by Age, Sex, and Ethnicity among Patient with Stage I Follicular Lymphoma Amir Bista, Sandhya Sharma and Binay Kumar Shah* Strategies for Community Education Prior to Clinical Trial […]

Frontiers news

09 Apr 2016

Most viewed Oncology articles in March 2016

Enrichment of Inflammatory IL-17 and TNF-α Secreting CD4+ T Cells within Colorectal Tumors despite the Presence of Elevated CD39+ T Regulatory Cells and Increased Expression of the Immune Checkpoint Molecule, PD-1 Margaret R. Dunne, Ciara Ryan, Bláthnaid Nolan, Miriam Tosetto, Robert Geraghty, Des C. Winter, P. Ronan O’Connell, John M. Hyland, Glen A. Doherty, Kieran Sheahan, Elizabeth J. Ryan* and Jean M. Fletcher Variation in Practice of the Diagnostic Workup of Asymptomatic Patients Diagnosed with Invasive Breast Cancer Anees B. Chagpar*, Gildy V. Babiera, Jose Aguirre, Kelly K. Hunt and Tyler Hughes Quantitative Imaging of D-2-Hydroxyglutarate in Selected Histological Tissue Areas by a Novel Bioluminescence Technique Nadine F. Voelxen, Stefan Walenta, Martin Proescholdt, Katja Dettmer, Stefan Pusch and Wolfgang Mueller-Klieser* The Value of the History and Physical for Patients with Newly Diagnosed Brain Metastases Considering Radiosurgery Ima Paydar, Eric Karl Oermann, Miriam Knoll, James Lee, Brian Timothy Collins, Matthew Ewend, Douglas Kondziolka and Sean P. Collins* The Response of Variant Histology Bladder Cancer to Intravesical Immunotherapy Compared to Conventional Cancer Ofer N. Gofrit*, Vladimir Yutkin, Amos Shapiro, Galina Pizov, Kevin C. Zorn, Guy Hidas, Ilan Gielchinsky, Mordechai Duvdevani, Ezekiel H. Landau and Dov Pode Monte Carlo Calculations Supporting Patient Plan Verification in Proton Therapy Thiago V. M. Lima*, […]

Frontiers news

06 Mar 2016

Most viewed Oncology articles in February 2016

Plan Quality and Treatment Efficiency for Radiosurgery to Multiple Brain Metastases: Non-Coplanar RapidArc vs. Gamma Knife Haisong Liu, David W. Andrews, James J. Evans, Maria Werner-Wasik, Yan Yu, Adam Paul Dicker and Wenyin Shi* Validation of Claims Algorithms for Progression to Metastatic Cancer in Patients with Breast, Non-small Cell Lung, and Colorectal Cancer Beth L. Nordstrom*, Jason C. Simeone, Karen G. Malley, Kathy H. Fraeman, Zandra Klippel, Mark Durst, John H. Page and Hairong Xu Efficient Rejoining of DNA Double-Strand Breaks despite Increased Cell-Killing Effectiveness following Spread-Out Bragg Peak Carbon-Ion Irradiation Nicole B. Averbeck*, Jana Topsch, Michael Scholz, Wilma Kraft-Weyrather, Marco Durante and Gisela Taucher-Scholz Glycerophosphocholine and Glycerophosphoethanolamine Are Not the Main Sources of the In Vivo 31P MRS Phosphodiester Signals from Healthy Fibroglandular Breast Tissue at 7 T Wybe J. M. van der Kemp*, Bertine L. Stehouwer, Jurgen H. Runge, Jannie P. Wijnen, Aart J. Nederveen, Peter R. Luijten and Dennis W. J. Klomp Analysis of Prognostic Factors in High-Grade Osteosarcoma of the Extremities in Children: A 15-Year Single-Institution Experience Liliana Vasquez*, Fanny Tarrillo, Monica Oscanoa, Ivan Maza, Jenny Geronimo, Gloria Paredes, Jose María Silva and Luis Sialer A Delay from Diagnosis to Treatment Is Associated with a Decreased Overall […]

Frontiers news

07 Feb 2016

Most viewed Oncology articles in January 2016

Molecular and Biochemical Analysis of the Estrogenic and Proliferative Properties of Vitamin E Compounds Farid Khallouki, Philippe de Medina, Stephanie Caze-Subra, Kerstin Bystricky, Patrick Balaguer, Marc Poirot* and Sandrine Silvente-Poirot Human Papilloma Virus Identification in Breast Cancer Patients with Previous Cervical Neoplasia James S. Lawson*, Wendy K. Glenn, Daria Salyakina, Rosemary Clay, Warick Delprado, Barathi Cheerala, Dinh D. Tran, Christopher C. Ngan, Shingo Miyauchi, Martha Karim, Annika Antonsson and Noel J. Whitaker Exposure to Carbon Ions Triggers Proinflammatory Signals and Changes in Homeostasis and Epidermal Tissue Organization to a Similar Extent as Photons Palma Simoniello, Julia Wiedemann, Joana Zink, Eva Thönnes, Maike Stange, Paul G. Layer, Maximilian Kovacs, Maurizio Podda, Marco Durante and Claudia Fournier* The rs11515 Polymorphism Is More Frequent and Associated With Aggressive Breast Tumors With Increased ANRIL and Decreased p16INK4a Expression Janice A. Royds, Anna P. Pilbrow, Antonio Ahn, Helen R. Morrin, Chris Framptom, I. Alasdair Russell, Christine S. Moravec, Wendy E. Sweet, W. H. Wilson Tang, Margaret J. Currie, Noelyn Anne A. Hung  and Tania L. Slatter* Phase Space Generation for Proton and Carbon Ion Beams for External Users’ Applications at the Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center Thomas Tessonnier*, Tiago Marcelos, Andrea Mairani, Stephan Brons and Katia Parodi The Influence of C-Ions and X-rays on Human […]

Frontiers news

10 Jan 2016

Most viewed Oncology articles in December 2015

Comparative Characterisation Study of a LaBr3(Ce) Scintillation Crystal in Two Surface Wrapping Scenarios: Absorptive and Reflective Saad Aldawood*, Ines Castelhano, Roman Gernhaeuser, Hugh Van der Kolff, Christian Lang, Silvia Liprandi, Rudolf Lutter, Ludwig Maier, Tim Marinsek, Dennis R. Schaart, Katia Parodi and Peter G. Thirolf Radiomic Machine-Learning Classifiers for Prognostic Biomarkers of Head and Neck Cancer Chintan Parmar*, Patrick Grossmann, Derek Rietveld, Michelle M. Rietbergen, Philippe Lambin and Hugo J. W. L. Aerts* DNA Damage Response Proteins and Oxygen Modulate Prostaglandin E2 Growth Factor Release in Response to Low and High LET Ionizing Radiation Christopher P. Allen, Walter Tinganelli, Neelam Sharma, Jingyi Nie, Cory Sicard, Francesco Natale, Maurice King III, Stephen B. Keysar, Antonio Jimeno, Yoshiya Furasawa, Ryuichi Okayasu, Akira Fujimori, Marco Durante and Jac A. Nickoloff* Charged Particle Therapy with Mini-Segmented Beams F. Avraham Dilmanian*, John G. Eley, Adam Rusek and Sunil Krishnan A Cell Biologist’s Field Guide to Aurora Kinase Inhibitors Christian O. De Groot, Judy E. Hsia, John V. Anzola, Amir Motamedi, Michelle Yoon, Yao Liang Wong, David Jenkins, Hyun J. Lee, Mallory B. Martinez, Robert L. Davis, Timothy C. Gahman, Arshad Desai* and Andrew K. Shiau* Human Papilloma Viruses and Breast Cancer James S. Lawson*, Wendy K. Glenn, Daria Salyakina, Warick Delprado, […]

Frontiers news

05 Dec 2015

Most viewed Oncology articles in November 2015

Telomeres and Telomerase in the Radiation Response: Implications for Instability, Reprogramming, and Carcinogenesis Brock J. Sishc*, Christopher B. Nelson, Miles J. McKenna, Christine L. R. Battaglia, Andrea Herndon, Rupa Idate, Howard L. Liber and Susan M. Bailey Impact of Charged Particle Exposure on Homologous DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Human Blood-Derived Cells Melanie Rall, Daniela Kraft, Meta Volcic, Aljona Cucu, Elena Nasonova, Gisela Taucher-Scholz, Halvard Bönig, Lisa Wiesmüller* and Claudia Fournier* Increase in Tumor Control and Normal Tissue Complication Probabilities in Advanced Head-and-Neck Cancer for Dose-Escalated Intensity-Modulated Photon and Proton Therapy Annika Jakobi*, Armin Lühr*, Kristin Stützer, Anna Bandurska-Luque, Steffen Löck, Mechthild Krause, Michael Baumann, Rosalind Perrin and Christian Richter Paving the Road for Modern Particle Therapy – What Can We Learn from the Experience Gained with Fast Neutron Therapy in Munich? Hanno M. Specht*, Teresa Neff, Waltraud Reuschel, Franz M. Wagner, Severin Kampfer, Jan J. Wilkens, Winfried Petry and Stephanie E. Combs First Steps Towards Ultrasound-Based Motion Compensation for Imaging and Therapy: Calibration with an Optical System and 4D PET Imaging Julia Schwaab*, Christopher Kurz, Cristina Sarti, André Bongers, Frederic Schoenahl, Christoph Bert, Jürgen Debus, Katia Parodi and Jürgen Walter Jenne Mutant p53: Multiple Mechanisms Define Biologic Activity in Cancer Michael Paul Kim, Yun Zhang […]