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07 Feb 2018
How expectations impact actual exam scores
Given similar academic results, students who expect higher scores actually attain them: Frontiers in Psychology
Featured news
07 Feb 2018
Given similar academic results, students who expect higher scores actually attain them: Frontiers in Psychology
07 Feb 2018
The effect was more noticeable among men and participants who selected their own playlist: Frontiers in Psychology
02 Feb 2018
Researchers find that emotive images alter people’s behavior, while emotive words do not
Featured news
26 Jan 2018
Research suggests that overweight children are more likely to underestimate their body size: Frontiers in Psychology
17 Jan 2018
Outdoor lessons allowed teachers to teach uninterrupted for almost twice as long during a subsequent indoor lesson, finds a study in Frontiers in Psychology
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15 Dec 2017
2,100+ articles published this year, from 7,100+ authors
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05 Dec 2017
A Frontiers in Psychology study shows British citizens who fear immigrants were more likely to have voted to leave the EU, and identifies collective narcissism as a new voting variable.
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01 Dec 2017
Cultural values can be a strong predictor of alcohol consumption: Frontiers in Psychology
Featured news
21 Nov 2017
Gender, personality and how often people drive are all potentially linked to distraction during driving: Frontiers in Psychology
03 Nov 2017
New research in Frontiers in Psychology provides practical tips for promoting proactivity in the workplace
31 Oct 2017
Children in Montessori preschools show improved academic performance and social understanding, while enjoying their school work more, shows a study in Frontiers in Psychology.
04 Oct 2017
Many university students don’t use common learning strategies, despite knowing that they exist, finds a study in Frontiers in Psychology.
28 Sep 2017
Interview with Tolulope Jolaade Adeogun on a new Research Topic in Frontiers in Sociology & Frontiers in Psychology
21 Sep 2017
Contrary to popular belief, a Frontiers in Psychology study shows that children who learn to solve a puzzle on a tablet can transfer the learning to the physical world.
14 Sep 2017
Saying sorry when making a social rejection can have the opposite effect of its intention, reveals a study in Frontiers in Psychology.
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