Featured news
19 Feb 2020
Ancient gut microbiomes could shed light on human evolution
A new study offers hypotheses about the influence of microbes on our early social and daily lives: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Featured news
19 Feb 2020
A new study offers hypotheses about the influence of microbes on our early social and daily lives: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Frontiers news
15 Jan 2020
University of Auckland’s Prof George Perry leads new section on Models in Ecology and Evolution.
Featured news
16 Dec 2019
Scientists find that unappetizing moths make less effort to escape attacking bats: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Featured news
05 Sep 2019
A new study reveals that scientists are divided on issues such as how to remove hybrids and free-roaming dogs, and whether they should be kept captive, sterilised and released or killed; Frontiers in Ecology in Evolution
Featured news
15 Aug 2019
Red-neck phalaropes split between the Pacific Ocean and the Arabian Sea for the colder months, researchers discover; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
01 Jul 2019
New Oregon State University research shows that juvenile northern red-legged frogs that have experienced climate-related stress as tadpoles are less likely to move on land, putting their survival at risk; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Featured news
21 Jun 2019
The real evolutionary ‘step forward’ in horse foot anatomy was not the loss of additional toes, but the evolution of the ‘spring foot’, say researchers; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
19 Jun 2019
Endangered African antelope and the lions that prey on them may benefit from certain cattle ranching practices in Kenya; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Featured news
11 Jun 2019
Scorpions adapt their stinging, stingers and sting contents to minimize the costs of venom use; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
23 May 2019
The team found that the response of bats to artificial light was intensified in areas with high tree cover. Credit: Christian Giese. A German study sheds new light on how exactly ultraviolet (UV) emitting and non-UV emitting street lamps influence the activity of bats in the Berlin metropolitan area, and whether tree cover might mitigate the effects of light pollution — by Forschungsverbund Berlin Artificial light is rightly considered a major social, cultural and economic achievement. Yet, artificial light at night is also said to pose a threat to biodiversity, especially affecting nocturnal species in metropolitan areas. It has become clear that the response by wildlife to artificial light at night might vary across species, seasons and lamp types.A study conducted by a team led by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) sheds new light on how exactly ultraviolet (UV) emitting and non-UV emitting street lamps influence the activity of bats in the Berlin metropolitan area and whether tree cover might mitigate any effect of light pollution. The study is published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Tree Cover Mediates the Effect of Artificial Light on Urban Bats► Read original article► Download original article (pdf) Natural sunlight […]
17 May 2019
Researchers at the Smithsonian Institute have proposed a ‘demographic safe space’ for Asian elephants, to improve conservation of these and other large, slow-breeding animals; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Featured news
16 Apr 2019
Why do some animals eat or abandon their offspring? According to researchers at the University of Tennessee and the University of Oxford, these might actually be forms of parental care; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Frontiers news
12 Apr 2019
Specialty Chief Editor of Conservation, Krithi Karanth has been recognized with the Women of Discovery award.
Featured news
03 Apr 2019
In two new species of rare giant stick insects, males turn livid blue or multicolored at sexual maturity; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Featured news
04 Jan 2019
Frequently used forest trails have fewer birds and not as many species – even when the trails have been used for decades: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
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