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15 Dec 2017
Top articles in 2017: Frontiers in Neuroscience Journal series
3,350+ articles published this year, from 17,400+ authors
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15 Dec 2017
3,350+ articles published this year, from 17,400+ authors
03 Oct 2017
A new model in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience finds differences in basal ganglia connection strengths between healthy and Parkinson’s disease brains.
12 Jun 2017
Using mathematics in a novel way in neuroscience, the Blue Brain Project shows that the brain operates on many dimensions, not just the three dimensions that we are accustomed to
04 Nov 2016
By Ian Salter, Frontiers Science Writer The use of robotic tutors in primary school classrooms is one step closer according to research recently published in the open access journal Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. Dr Imbernòn Cuadrado and his co-workers at the Department of Artificial Intelligence in Madrid have developed an integrated computational architecture (ARTIE) for use with software applications in schools. “The main goal of our work was to design a system that can detect the emotional state of primary school children interacting with educational software and make pedagogic interventions with a robot tutor that can ultimately improve the learning experience,” says Luis Imbernòn Cuadrado. Online educational resources are becoming increasingly common in the classroom, although they have not taken into sufficient account that the learning ability of primary school children is particularly sensitive to their emotional state. This is perhaps where robot tutors can step in to assist teachers. Rather than focusing on specific emotions, the researchers first identified three cognitive states (concentrating, distracted and inactive) known to influence the course of learning. Keyboard strokes and mouse actions of children using educational software were used to predict which of these cognitive states the child is experiencing and subsequently linked […]
23 Apr 2015
NEW RESEARCH TOPIC: Are you passionate about computational modelling of neuropsychological disorders? Do you research different levels of modelling (from spiking neurons to higher-level connectionist modeling ) using imaging and behavioral data? Then this topic is for you. “Neuropsychology through the lenses of computational modelling”, is a new Research Topic open for submissions in Frontiers in #ComputationalNeuroscience. Read more: https://lnkd.in/eBb3Wi9
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