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01 Nov 2022

Open science platform Frontiers publishes new Nobel Collection articles

Five more Nobel Prize winners publish free scientific article collection for children Last year in September, as many young people prepared to go back to school, the very first Nobel Collection, featuring articles written by Nobel Laureates, was launched by Frontiers for Young Minds (FYM), a unique, completely free, open access kids’ science journal. The Collection has been a huge success, having been viewed over half a million times online.    Today marks the release of the second Nobel Collection articles, connecting curious minds of all ages to exceptionally high-caliber scientists and offering exciting insights into the world of real science. As for all FYM publications, each of the five articles has been written for young people aged 8 to 15 and has been reviewed by kids themselves to ensure they are understandable, fun, and engaging.  Photo credit: Frontiers Freely available to people everywhere from today, the 2022 Nobel Collection aims to ignite interest in various fields, and is comprised of the following contributions:  Gravitational Waves – a new window on the Universe, written by Barry C. Barish, awarded The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017. Did you know that the phenomenon of gravitational waves was predicted by Einstein’s theory of General Relativity? In this […]