Frontiers | Science News

Science News post list

88 news posts in Research Topics

Research Topics

15 Nov 2022

Balancing blood sugar: article collections on Diabetes

To mark World Diabetes Week, we have gathered our top article collections on Diabetes. With collective views of over 1.1 million, researchers explored topics spanning from stem cell technology for modelling Diabetes and the use of low carbohydrate diets for prevention to integrating digital health technologies in a patient-centered care framework and promising new therapeutic approaches in cardiovascular disease for diabetics. Article collections: Heart health 11 articles | 79,000 views Exploring the intimate relationship between cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus, highlighting key opportunities that may lead to promising new therapeutic approaches Alzheimer’s disease 6 articles | 80,000 views More than 35 million patients suffer from dementia, while 380 million battle against diabetes in this aging society. Emerging evidence suggests that diabetes increases the risk of dementia; however, the underlying mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated Patient Care 10 articles | 95,000 views Addressing the challenging and complex issues with Diabetes care, including improving and achieving effective and efficient care at the primary care setting as well as integrating digital health technologies in a patient-centered care framework Nutrition 7 articles | 79,000 views Examining the use of low carbohydrate diets, with or without nutritional ketosis, for the prevention and treatment of […]

Research Topics

11 Nov 2022

Frontiers ebook releases: November 2022

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including the special issues on recent developments in bioregenerative life-support systems for crewed missions to the moon, new insights on the adaptation of Africanized honey bees to the island of Puerto Rico, novel diagnostic strategies for retinal diseases, the evolution of therapeutic use for medicinal cannabis, cryptocurrency transaction networks, the role of the brainstem in autism and many more! All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. Adaptation of Invasive Species to Islands and the Puerto Rican Honey BeeEdited by Rosanna Giordano; Tugrul Giray; Shu-Ching Chen; Elvia J. Melendez-Ackerman; Alberto Galindo-CardonaPDFAdvanced Anomaly Detection Technologies and Applications in Energy SystemsEdited by Tinghui Ouyang; Yusen He; Xun Shen; Zhenhao Tang; Yahui ZhangPDFAssessing Information Processing and Online Reasoning as a Prerequisite for Learning in Higher EducationEdited by Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia; Patricia A Alexander; James W. PellegrinoPDFBenign Paroxysmal Positional VertigoEdited by Marco Mandalà; Augusto Pietro Casani; Ji Soo Kim; Daniel Ross GoldPDFBioregenerative Life-Support Systems for Crewed Missions to the Moon and MarsEdited by Cyprien Verseux; Jean-Pierre […]

Research Topics

14 Oct 2022

Top ebook releases on breast cancer

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we gathered the top ebooks finding solutions to this devastating disease. Explore the research advances made by Frontiers scientists, including special issues on recent developments in breast cancer genetic predisposition, quality of life in patients and survivors, perspectives in primary prevention research, challenges in metabolic abnormalities, new approaches in radiotherapy and many more! All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. Cancer Care Delivery and Women’s HealthEdited by Sarah M TemkinPDFAccomplishments, Collaborative Projects and Future Initiatives in Breast Cancer Genetic PredispositionEdited by Paolo Peterlongo; Nandita Mitra; Luis G Carvajal-CarmonaPDFNew Approaches to Classification and Diagnostic Prediction of Breast CancersEdited by Aleix Prat; Mothaffar RimawiPDFPerspectives in Mammary Gland Development and Breast Cancer ResearchEdited by Zuzana Koledova; Alexandra Van Keymeulen; Vida Vafaizadeh; Emilia PeuhuPDFQuality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients and SurvivorsEdited by Marco Invernizzi; Nicola Fusco; Jisun KimPDFHereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Current Concepts of Prevention and TreatmentEdited by Gulisa Turashvili, MD, PhD; Conxi Lazaro; Anne GrabenstetterPDFNew Approaches to Breast Cancer RadiotherapyEdited by Geraldine […]

Research Topics

15 Sep 2022

Trash talk: article collections on where our waste ends up

What happens to our trash when we throw it away? How much actually gets recycled? We have gathered our top article collections on waste management. With collective views of over 1.7 million, researchers explored topics spanning from the behavioral analysis of using plastic bags and how to recycle building materials to technologies that filter out litter in the ocean and mapping where restaurant trash goes. Article collections: Food waste 10 articles | 143,000 views A systematic approach to measuring food loss because reducing food waste is imperative to mitigating the impacts of climate change worldwide and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals on food security, hunger eradication and sustainable production and consumption Urban sanitation services 14 articles | 174,000 views Critically evaluating existing alternative approaches to urban sanitation, introducing new city-wide equitable sanitation concepts and solutions and providing policy guidance towards adequate, equitable and safely managed urban sanitation services Waste management 5 articles | 28,000 views Addressing the growing interest in sustainable food systems, including management practices to reduce wastage and the ecological footprint of the firms at the end of the food chain like retail, accommodation and the F&B sector Cleaning litter 18 articles | 51,000 views Developing and […]

Research Topics

14 Sep 2022

Frontiers ebook releases: September 2022

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including the special issues on recent developments in food spoilage and shelf life, the psychological and physiological benefits of the arts, a comprehensive study of cryptocurrency transaction networks, the role of milk in nutrition across the lifespan, the latest on water-related natural disasters in mountainous areas and many more! All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. The Psychological and Physiological Benefits of the ArtsEdited by Vicky (Vassiliki) Karkou; Nisha Sajnani; Felicity Anne Baker; Jenny M Groarke; Hod Orkibi; Johanna Czamanski-Cohen; Maria Eugenia Panero; Jennifer Drake; Corinne JolaPDFPsychedelic Sociality: Pharmacological and Extrapharmacological PerspectivesEdited by Leor Roseman; Katrin H Preller; Michael James Winkelman; Evgenia FotiouPDFStrengthening Health System and Community Responses to Confront COVID-19 Pandemic in Resource-Scare SettingsEdited by Jongnam Hwang; Thi H Do; Bach TranPDFThe Consequences of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of StudentsEdited by Haibo Yang; Li Wang; Chang LiuPDFMilks Mean More: The Role of Milk in Nutrition, Digestion and Metabolism Across the LifespanEdited by Nicole Clemence Roy; David A. Sela; […]

Research Topics

15 Aug 2022

Back to school: article collections to get you ready for the new academic year

As the new academic year begins, we have gathered our top article collections on education. With collective views of over 2.9 million, researchers explored topics spanning from the natural world as a resource for learning and advancements in technology-based assessment to overcoming inequalities in schools and gendered paths into STEM. Article collections: School meals and cognition 14 articles | 199,000 views Addressing the importance of school nutrition programs as a key component in meeting nutritional, cognitive, educational, social, economic and cultural needs of children, adolescents, their families and communities New educational technologies 14 articles | 139,000 views Highlighting the impact new technologies can exert on students’ adaptation and well-being in everyday school life, both in terms of facilitating the learning process and in terms of sustaining self-esteem and self-efficacy feelings Inequalities in schools 10 articles | 157,000 views Explaining the mechanisms and effects of inequalities in the achievement patterns, dropout rates, disengagement in the school experiences of children and youth traditionally excluded Effective pedagogy 13 articles | 192,000 views The impact of higher educational programs on the student-teacher relationship, student learning, achievement, and identity Covid-19 consequences for education 18 articles | 323,000 views A comprehensive overview of the mid- and […]

Research Topics

12 Aug 2022

Frontiers ebook releases: August 2022

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including the special issues on the high risk of Covid-19 related complications in people with diabetes, investigating the sperm mechanisms of formation and function, translational advances in neurodegenerative dementias, new decision-making tools for digital agriculture, AI for healthcare delivery during the pandemic and many more! All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. COVID-19 – Social Science Research during a PandemicEdited by Paul Russell Ward; Paul Bissell; Samantha B Meyer; Hailay Abrha Gesesew; Pande Putu Januraga; Dukjin Chang; Linda LombiPDFSocial Convergence in Times of Spatial Distancing: The Role of Music During the COVID-19 PandemicEdited by Niels Chr. Hansen; Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann; Jane Whitfield DavidsonPDFNeural Electroceuticals: Interfacing with the Nervous System with Electrical StimulationEdited by Giovanni Mirabella; Mikhail Lebedev; Alberto Priori; Julie Duque; Alexei Ossadtchi; Simone Rossi; Olivier DavidPDFThe Consequences of COVID-19 on the Mental Well-being of Parents, Children and AdolescentsEdited by Emma Sorbring; Kirby Deater-Deckard; Soly I Erlandsson; Ylva SvenssonPDFTranslational Advances in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other Neurodegenerative DementiasEdited by Jiehui Jiang; Kuangyu […]

Research Topics

20 Jul 2022

Heat wave: article collections on the global impact of rising temperatures

As the temperature rises this summer, we have gathered our top article collections on how heat effects us and the planet. With collective views of over 1 million, researchers were fired up by topics spanning from plant heat stress and weather extremes in the urban environment to marine heatwaves and human heat acclimation. Article collections: Wild fires 16 articles | 104,000 views Addressing our current understanding of wildland fires, with a specific focus on engineering approaches to mitigate the harmful effects of fires Human heat acclimation 13 articles | 95,000 views Recent advances in our understanding of the physiological mechanisms underlying the adaptive process in vulnerable populations, and whether heat acclimation is beneficial for all populations Marine heatwaves 23 articles | 285,000 views A comprehensive overview of current research on marine heatwaves from across the range of marine science disciplines, covering physical processes through ecological impacts Drought and water scarcity 19 articles | 76,000 views Highlighting critical gaps in our understanding of water scarcity and setting urgent priorities for research and action, providing an international platform for generating an integrated perspective on this complex and socially constructed environmental hazard Overheated animals 7 articles | 29,000 views Demonstrating that climate change […]

Research Topics

16 Mar 2022

Break the Bias: Research Topics celebrating the findings of female scientists

To celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we are highlighting the top Research Topics from women in science. Break the gender bias in research by reading the findings of these incredible female scientists. With collective views of almost half a million, researchers explored topics spanning from signal processing and infectious disease to materials and gynecological oncology.

Research Topics

17 Jan 2022

Top 10 Research Topics from 2021

Find the answers to your biggest research questions from 2021. With collective views of over 3.7 million, researchers explored topics spanning from nutritional immunology and political misinformation to sustainable agriculture and the human-dog bond. Research Topics: 1. Infectious disease 29 articles | 1,643,000 views Uncovering the many ethical, legal, and social issues that have arisen during the pandemic 2. Nutritional immunology 29 articles | 768,000 views How specific foods and nutrients affect COVID-19 severity and outcomes 3. Music therapy 44 articles | 268,000 views Examining the ability of music to create and maintain social bonds during the pandemic 4. Political misinformation 11 articles | 219,000 views Understanding how to halt the spread of false news while increasing the circulation of information from credible sources during the pandemic 5. Plant science 15 articles | 198,000 views The enormous potential of plants to contribute effectively to fighting pandemics 6. Sustainable agriculture 49 articles | 168,000 views Demonstrating the potential of various microbes to enhance plant productivity and yield in cropping systems 7. Mental health 22 articles | 136,000 views Discovering insights from altered states of consciousness through psychedelic therapies 8. Aging brains 18 articles | 134,000 views Evaluating factors that predispose aging […]