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88 news posts in Research Topics

Research Topics

05 Jun 2023

Frontiers ebook releases: June 2023

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including work on new wolf conservation and conflict management, new insights into potential biomarkers in neurovascular disorders, findings on neonatal health in low- and middle-income countries, and research on classroom assessment practices and teacher decision-making. All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. What do we know about COVID-19 implications for cardiovascular disease?Edited by Hendrik Tevaearai Stahel; Masanori Aikawa; Shuyang Zhang; Mingxing Xie; Shuping GePDFAn Alien place on Earth: The Red Sea as a model for Future OceansEdited by Christian Robert Voolstra; Rúben Martins CostaPDFCorporate Behavior and Sustainable DevelopmentEdited by Rui Xue; Haiyue Liu; Yuli Shan; Shiyang Hu; Xiaoyu WangPDFMobile and Wearable Systems for Health MonitoringEdited by Mohamed Elgendi; Richard Ribon Fletcher; Derek Abbott; Dingchang Zheng; Panicos Kyriacou; Carlo MenonPDFARDS in COVID-19 – Insights for TreatmentEdited by Koichi Ikuta; Michael Karin; Yoshio KoyanagiPDFGenome Wide Association Studies and Genomic Selection for Crop improvement in the Era of Big DataEdited by Nunzio D’Agostino; Alison Bentley; Charles ChenPDFClinicopathological Factors and Staging in Gastrointestinal CancersEdited […]

Research Topics

08 May 2023

Frontiers ebook releases: May 2023

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including work on the biodiversity of the Philippine Seas, new insights into understanding emerging and reemerging viruses, findings on how big data can be used in health care applications, and research on what effects space flight has on human brains. All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. Emerging and Re-emerging Viral DiseasesEdited by Shuofeng Yuan; Xing-Yi Ge; Xin Yin; Jun WangPDFEmerging SARS-COV-2 Variants: Genomic Variations, Transmission, Pathogenesis, Clinical Impact and InterventionsEdited by Prygya Dhruv Yadav; Éric Bergeron; Sanjay Kumar; Meerjady Sabrina FloraPDFThe Synaptic Basis of NeuropathologyEdited by P. Jesper Sjöström; Fereshteh S. Nugent; Alfredo Kirkwood; Carl R. LupicaPDFBig Data Analytics for Smart Healthcare applicationsEdited by Celestine Iwendi; Thippa Reddy Gadekallu; Ali Kashif BashirPDFBreast Milk and Passive Immunity during the COVID-19 PandemicEdited by Veronique Demers-Mathieu; Lars Bode; Johannes (Hans) Van GoudoeverPDFAdvanced Technologies for Planning and Operation of Prosumer Energy SystemsEdited by Bin Zhou; Siqi Bu; Liansong Xiong; Junjie Hu; Jingyang Fang; Jian Zhao; Hugo Morais; Peng HouPDFTrends and Challenges of Medical […]

Research Topics

05 May 2023

Life with pets: Research Topics on living with animals

Has domestication induced cognitive changes in domesticated species? How can we optimize nutrition for dogs and cats? What is it about cats that makes their behaviors so enticing? We put together the top Research Topics about animals living with us. Read about the amazing research done by scientists from across the globe. With more than 1.4 million collective views, researchers explored topics such as the benefits and history of human-animal interaction, how animals perceive and differentiate between humans, and what roles assistance animals can play in daily life. Research Topics: Exploring cat behaviors 11 articles | 87,000 views Updating our understanding on the special qualities and behaviors of cats and scrutinizing our mutual interactions with these companions Reimagining animal sheltering 22 articles | 113,000 views Assembling evidence for or against critical concepts, programs, and methods related to community-based animal sheltering and support services which may shape the future of animal services Benefits of human-dog interactions 13 articles | 229,000 views Contributing to the current standard of understanding of human-animal interaction, suggesting future directions in applied research, and considering the interdisciplinary societal implications of the findings Cognitive processing by domesticated animals 11 articles | 84,000 views Bringing the latest findings cognitive […]

Research Topics

06 Apr 2023

Earth Day: Research Topics on how we can invest in our planet

To celebrate Earth Day later this month, we are highlighting the top Research Topics about how we might invest in the planet we live on. Join us by reading up on the incredible findings and solutions made by researchers from across the globe. With more than 1.1 million collective views, scientists explored topics and advanced fields, including sustainable aviation fuels, marine ecosystem restoration, renewable energy solutions, and sustainable urban infrastructure. Research Topics: Towards circular economy 8 articles | 56,000 views Uncovering the complexity of issues and challenges relating to environment and energy research in a world of rapid urbanization. Sustainable aviation fuels 26 articles | 85,000 views Exploring the state of knowledge on sustainable aviation fuel development, performance, and deployment to inform researchers, industry, and policy makers.  Sustainable energy infrastructure 6 articles | 80,000 views Focusing on the studies and policy discussions of sustainable and resilient urban energy infrastructures. Marine ecosystem restoration 22 articles | 352,000 views Bringing together research contributions to help address this synthesis need, provide a spotlight for recent innovations, enhance our understanding of successful methods in marine ecosystem restoration and promote integration of ecological, sociological and engineering theory into restoration practices. Sustainable energy production 45 articles […]

Research Topics

05 Apr 2023

Frontiers ebook releases: April 2023

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including work on endeavors in combating emerging infectious diseases, contributions to the study of group dynamics, research about gut microorganisms and implications on insect function, highlights from the research on musculoskeletal pain and the latest in promotion of mental health. All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Covid-19 and Beyond: From (Forced) Remote Teaching and Learning to ‘The New Normal’ in Higher EducationEdited by Rhoda Scherman; Gabriela Misca; David Ian Walker; Geneviève PagéPDFBiologically-Informed Approaches to Design Processes and ApplicationsEdited by Mark A Elgar; Cecilia Laschi; Devi Stuart-Fox; Alberto Pugnale; Ahu Gumrah Dumanli-ParryPDFFrontiers in Neuroinformatics Editor’s Pick 2021Edited by Jan G Bjaalie; Sean L HillPDFNew ways to understand how foods affect me and my health!Edited by Kathryn Jane Burton-Pimentel; Fiona C Malcomson; Marjukka Kolehmainen; Lorraine Brennan; John Cummings MathersPDFSchistosomiasis: Host-Parasite interactionsEdited by Thiago Almeida Pereira; Michael Harrison HsiehPDFBrain Imaging and Stimulation Editor’s Pick 2021Edited by Mingzhou DingPDFIntersubjectivity: Recent Advances in Theory, Research, and PracticeEdited by Colwyn Trevarthen; Jonathan T. Delafield-Butt; Emese Nagy; Theano KokkinakiPDFInsect Microbiome: From Diversity To ApplicationsEdited by George Tsiamis; Brian Weiss; Adly M.M. ABDALLAPDFThe Neural Basis of Hyper-Adaptability in Humans and AnimalsEdited by Jun Izawa; Belén Rubio Ballester; […]

Research Topics

17 Mar 2023

Four articles you need to check out on the future of energy research

By Colm Gorey, Frontiers science communications manager Image: From drones to using ‘poison nut’ as biofuel, the world of energy research is undergoing immense change. Now, Frontiers highlights some of the energy research articles we have published recently. As the world attempts to deal with the huge impact the climate crisis is having on our planet, scientists are devoting great efforts to developing cutting-edge energy research. While renewables such as wind, solar, and wave dominate the conversations among environmental groups and governments, new technologies in the field of nuclear energy have the potential to be true game changers. Last year, researchers in the US paved the way for abundant, cheap, and clean nuclear fusion energy after achieving the milestone of releasing more energy than was put into a reactor. However, this is but one small area of focus in an otherwise fascinating field of science. Now, Frontiers highlights four recent article published as part of the research topic ‘Horizons in Energy Research’ that could help contribute to many similar breakthroughs in the years to come. Comprehensive Review on Electric Propulsion System of Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles Drones have come a long way since their early days as a luxury gadget […]

Research Topics

08 Mar 2023

Frontiers ebook releases: March 2023

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including the latest on agri-food systems as a driver of economic development, tracking as a tool to monitor biodiversity in the oceans, the use of digital technologies in healthcare, the risks that cyber-relationships hold especially for young people, and a platform for women in psychiatry. All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. COVID-19: Integrating Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Mathematics, Medicine and Public Health, Epidemiology, Neuroscience, and Biomedical Science in Pandemic ManagementEdited by Reza Lashgari; Atefeh Abedini; Babak A Ardekani; Arda Kiani; Seyed Alireza Nadji; Ali YousefiPDFEngineered Immune Cells in Cancer Immunotherapy (EICCI)Edited by Cristina Maccalli; Axel Schambach; Francisco Martin; Cameron TurtlePDFClimate Change, Variability and Sustainable Food SystemsEdited by Victor Owusu; Bright Asante; Emmanuel Donkor; Abiodun Ogundeji; Enoch Owusu-SekyerePDFIntegrative Pharmacology-based Research on Traditional Medicine: Methodologies, Medical and Pharmacological ApplicationsEdited by Hai Yu Xu; Chang-xiao Liu; Yanqiong Zhang; Yan Xu; Takashi SatoPDFRisks of “Cyber-relationships” in Adolescents and Young PeopleEdited by Iratxe Redondo; Juan Manuel Machimbarrena; Joana Jaureguizar; Sebastian WachsPDFEconomic and Financial Issues […]

Research Topics

08 Mar 2023

International Women’s Day: Research Topics celebrating the findings of female scientists

To celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we are highlighting the top Research Topics from women in science. Help us foster gender equality by reading up on the incredible findings and solutions made by female scientists. With 300,000 collective views, female researchers explored topics and advanced fields, including the gender pay gap, analytical chemistry, parasite and host relationships, and cardiovascular epidemiology. Research Topics: Women in Forensic Psychiatry 15 articles | 21,000 views Presenting research highlights performed by female scientists across the entire breadth of Psychiatry research, this article collection presents advances in theory, experiment, and methodology with applications to compelling problems. Women in Cytokines 20 articles | 23,000 views Less than 30% of researchers worldwide are women. Because of this, Frontiers in Immunology is particularly proud to present the “Women in Cytokines and Soluble Mediators in Immunity” article collection. Women in Psychology: The Gender Pay Gap 8 articles | 21,000 views Aiming at putting the groundbreaking work of women scientists in a predominantly female field in the spotlight, this article collection highlights and celebrates women’s contributions to psychology. Women in Cardiovascular Epidemiology 35 articles | 39,000 views To promote gender equality and defeat stereotypes defeated, this article collection […]

Research Topics

14 Feb 2023

User-friendly AI: Article Collections on Artificial Intelligence

Are you curious about AI? Have you tried ChatGPT? Worried about what OpenAI means for our future? Find the answers to your biggest research questions on artificial intelligence with our top article collections about this promising area of computer science. With collective views of over 2.2 million, researchers explored topics spanning from brain-inspired machine learning and the legal implications of AI to leading people through digital transformation and artificial intelligence applications for specialty crops management. Article Collections: AI in agriculture 33 articles | 187,000 views Focusing on the recent advances and latest technical developments in artificial intelligence applications for specialty crops management AI in pharmacology 18 articles | 186,000 views Highlighting the most recent advances and perspectives on all kinds of artificial intelligence technologies used in drug design Brain-inspired machine learning 22 articles | 204,000 views Analyzing neuroscientific data through machine learning algorithms to provide a better understanding of both the normal cognitive and pathological processes in brain disorders, leading to new treatment plans for them AI in medical imaging 20 articles | 629,000 views Addressing the challenges of artificial intelligence for brain image analysis and sharing new research achievements in this focus area Legal implications of AI 13 articles […]

Research Topics

13 Feb 2023

Frontiers ebook releases: February 2023

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including the special issues on innovation in STEAM education, a showcase of neuroscientific perspectives in sports psychology, the effect of bioactive compounds on neurodegenerative disease phenotypes, the ability of robots to perform tasks that require interaction with their external environment, nature-based solutions for climate risk management and many more! All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. COVID-19 pandemics: ethical, legal and social issuesEdited by Dov Greenbaum; David Gurwitz; Yann JolyPDFBioactive Compounds, Lifestyle Factors and Neurodegenerative DiseasesEdited by Binosha Fernando; Stephanie R Rainey-Smith; Tejal ShahPDFThe Nobel Collection – Volume 1Edited by Robert T Knight; Idan SegevPDFMachine Learning in NeuroscienceEdited by Hamid R Rabiee; Ali Ghazizadeh; Mackenzie W Mathis; Reza LashgariPDFThe Thyroid and Covid-19Edited by Gabriela Brenta; Marco António Campinho; CELIA REGINA NOGUEIRA; JOSE SGARBIPDF2nd Synthetic Biology Forum: System and Synthetic Biology for Biofuels and BioproductsEdited by Jean Marie François; Min Jiang; Mingjie Jin; Shihui YangPDFCOVID-19 Pandemic: Mental Health, Life Habit Changes and Social PhenomenaEdited by Daria Smirnova; Konstantinos N Fountoulakis; Xenia […]

Research Topics

30 Jan 2023

Five articles you need to check out on the future of surgery

By Colm Gorey, Science Communications Manager Image: From robotic surgeons to ultra-detailed imaging technology, the field of surgery is going through rapid change. To help us understand what the latest research is in this world of dissection, Frontiers highlights just some of the top articles we’ve recently published.   The robot takeover of the workforce is nowhere more apparent than in the medical world, where many delicate surgical procedures are either aided by a robotic assistant, or in some cases performed entirely by a machine. But advances in surgery are not just limited to robotics, with new imaging technologies helping us peer inside the human body like never before. Here are five recent Frontiers articles published as part of the research topic ‘Anatomical Fundamentals of Advanced Surgical Techniques’ that may greatly influence even more breakthroughs in the future. Robotic pelvic exenteration for gynecologic malignancies, anatomic landmarks, and surgical steps: a systematic review Pelvic exenteration – a surgical operation to remove multiple organs in the pelvis – represents the last resort procedure for patients with advanced primary or recurrent gynecological malignancy, such as endometrial cancer. However, since 2009, the advent of robotic surgery resulted in a new spur to the […]

Research Topics

17 Jan 2023

Healthy Eating: Article Collections on Nutrition

What is a healthy diet? Is gluten free actually better for you? Are there good fats? Find the answers to your biggest research questions on nutrition with our top article collections about what to put on your plate. With collective views of over 1.2 million, researchers explored topics spanning from antioxidants and food additives to sustainable diets and the rise of flexitarianism. Article Collections: Mediterranean diet 4 articles | 62,000 views Uncovering the health promoting effects of traditional Mediterranean diets, including lower risk of chronic degenerative diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and certain types of cancer Sustainable diets 43 articles | 90,000 views Examining a diet that is measured by calorie or nutrient content as well as by the quality and environmental footprint of the ingredients used Flexitarianism 6 articles | 167,000 views Exploring the health implications of flexitarianism, referring to an individual who follows a primarily but not strictly vegetarian diet, occasionally eating meat or fish Fermented foods 19 articles | 190,000 views Understanding the viability of probiotic bacteria in fermented foods has opened up possibilities of producing new ingredients for nutritionally optimized foods, which can promote consumers’ health through microbial activities in the gut Dietary antioxidants 6 articles | 41,000 […]

Research Topics

16 Jan 2023

Frontiers ebook releases: January 2023

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including the special issues on new therapies for polycystic ovary syndrome, a showcase of neuroscience research by women in science, novel digital health solutions for hearing loss, mitigating stressors in grazing cattle production systems, a comprehensive overview of sustainable aviation fuels and many more! All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. Insights in Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Surveillance, Prevention and TreatmentEdited by Marc Jean Struelens; Zisis KozlakidisPDFCoronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Psychoeducational Variables Involved in the Health EmergencyEdited by Jesus de la Fuente; Douglas F Kauffman; Michael S Dempsey; Yashu KauffmanPDFCoronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Socio-Economic Systems in the Post-Pandemic World: Design Thinking, Strategic Planning, Management, and Public PolicyEdited by Andrzej Klimczuk; Eva Berde; Delali A. Dovie; Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska; Gabriella SpinelliPDFImmunotherapy with Checkpoint Inhibitors for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Colon Cancer and Esophageal CancerEdited by Xuelei Ma; Hubing Shi; Udo S Gaipl; Benjamin FreyPDFOmics Data Integration towards Mining of Phenotype Specific Biomarkers in Cancer, Volume IIEdited by Liang Cheng; Lei Deng; Chuan-Xing Li; Yan […]

Research Topics

09 Dec 2022

Top 10 Research Topics from 2022

Find the answers to your biggest research questions from 2022. With collective views of over 3.2 million, researchers explored topics spanning from vaccine safety and psychedelic therapy to quaternary fossils and antiviral plants. Research Topics: 1. Viral diseases 37 articles | 499,000 views Uncovering the countermeasures, molecular virology, and pathogenesis of emerging and re-emerging viruses 2. Exploring sound 23 articles | 442,000 views Exploring the fascinating world of sound and how it benefits and causes problems to people, other animals, and our environment 3. Neurodegenerative diseases 19 articles | 387,000 views Examining the effect of bioactive compounds, diet, and lifestyle factors on neurodegenerative disease phenotypes 4. Psychedelic therapy 22 articles | 346,000 views Understanding how the social and relational effects of psychedelic use impact therapeutic outcomes 5. Circadian rhythms 6 articles | 335,000 views Demonstrating why time-of-day is an important factor in maximizing the health benefits of exercise and physical activity for disease prevention and treatment 6. Covid-19 insights 84 articles | 320,000 views Focusing on new insights, novel developments, current challenges, latest discoveries, recent advances, and future perspectives in the field of COVID-19 7. Vaccine safety 10 articles | 244,000 views Novel approaches to balance vaccine efficacy and safety […]

Research Topics

09 Dec 2022

Top 20 Frontiers ebook releases of 2022

Download the top 20 ebook releases from this year, including the special issues on solving complex ocean challenges, new insights on the psychological benefits of the arts, progress in understanding various aspects of fruit primary metabolism, the effects of music on cognition and action, how activity in neuronal networks results in different brain states and many more! All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute. Shape the future of your field — and publish your own ebook — by editing a special collection around your research area. Learn more about Research Topics or submit your suggestion. COVID-19 – Social Science Research during a PandemicEdited by Paul Russell Ward; Paul Bissell; Samantha B Meyer; Hailay Abrha Gesesew; Pande Putu Januraga; Dukjin Chang; Linda LombiPDFEducation Leadership and the COVID-19 CrisisEdited by Michelle Diane Young; Monica Byrne-Jimenez; Margaret GroganPDFEthnopharmacological Responses to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) PandemicEdited by Michael Heinrich; Javier Echeverria; Adolfo Andrade-Cetto; Jon Wardle; Jia-bo Wang; Hung-Rong YenPDFCOVID-19 and Women’s HealthEdited by Stephen Kennedy; Laura A Magee; Stacey A Missmer; Jayashri Kulkarni; Vassiliki Benetou; Marianne Vidler; Chelsea MorroniPDFOutbreak Investigation: Mental Health in the Time of Coronavirus (COVID-19)Edited by Ursula Werneke; DINESH KUMAR BHUGRA; Bernd Löwe; Christina Maria Van Der Feltz-Cornelis; Antonio […]