Frontiers | Science News

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342 news posts in Open science


16 Jun 2022

Frontiers ebook releases: June 2022

Download the top ebook releases from this month, including special issues on new alternatives to combat bacterial infections, challenges and solutions to LGBT+ inclusion in schools, the response of seagrass to environmental changes, understanding the roles of glia and circulating leukocytes in neurodegenerative diseases, the effects of achievement emotions on classic cognitive processes of learning and many more! All ebooks are free to download, share and distribute.

Open science policy

01 Apr 2022

Frontiers’ support for UKRI’s Open Access policy

We continue to support UKRI’s open access policy, which will see all peer-reviewed research articles resulting from its funding made universally and freely accessible to people everywhere from today. The spirit of Plan S and the open access movement continue to make progress. UKRI should be commended for its position and support of open access’s original model. Barriers to research by way of expensive paywalls impair scientific discovery. The rapid and free dissemination of research and data around COVID-19 resulted in the fastest vaccine development in human history. The same dynamic of international collaboration must be extended to all research on all critical societal challenges, such as cancer and climate change. UKRI’s policy is simple, effective and enforceable; and it provides a framework for scientific publishing that addresses the urgency of the challenges that confront society.  We can be optimistic that this policy will reinforce the growing call – by the Plan S signatories and others – to combat the efforts of subscription publishers to indefinitely extend the harmful status quo of paywalled access to knowledge, for example through the use of commercial tactics such as “transformative agreements.” Dr. Frederick Fenter, chief executive editor, Frontiers ENDS. Frontiers is the 3rd […]

Research Topics

16 Mar 2022

Break the Bias: Research Topics celebrating the findings of female scientists

To celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we are highlighting the top Research Topics from women in science. Break the gender bias in research by reading the findings of these incredible female scientists. With collective views of almost half a million, researchers explored topics spanning from signal processing and infectious disease to materials and gynecological oncology.