Open science and peer review
20 Jul 2015
EC endorses Gold Open Access with new pilot project
The European Commission (EC) recently announced a new pilot project that supports publishing with Gold Open Access publishers like Frontiers. The pilot, entitled OpenAIRE, will help fund Open Access publications for FP7 projects finished within the last two years which have been accepted and peer-reviewed. Only publications in recognized Open Access journals listed in the DOAJ, Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed are eligible for post-publication funding with as much as €2,000 per article to help cover publishing costs for research and review article types and as much as €6,000 for monographs. “This announcement is very important to the industry as it not only shows that the EC recognizes Gold Open Access publishing as one of the key solutions to unlocking research knowledge, it is also important as they have expressed their appreciation for the costs involved in providing a high quality Open Access publishing service,” said Kamila Markram, CEO of Frontiers. Frontiers provides a premier Gold Open Access solution with a novel enhanced interactive peer-review process that helps authors and reviewers enhance the quality of published articles. In as little as 7 years, Frontiers has became one of the top 5 Gold Open Access publishers in the world with over 34,000 articles published in 54 journals covering 411 specialties across all academia. Articles published with Frontiers qualify for funding through […]