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Science News post list

424 news posts in Health


29 Mar 2017

Sleep and Chronobiology new Editor Yves Dauvilliers

Led by the new Specialty Chief Editor Prof. Yves Dauvilliers, this multidisciplinary section is open for submissions of studies on sleep, circadian rhythms and their disorders, including the clinical practice. We are happy to announce that Professor Yves Dauvilliers has joined Frontiers in Neurology and Frontiers in Psychiatry as the Specialty Chief Editor of the section “Sleep and Chronobiology”. “Sleep is a universal physiological need that plays a key role in the prevention of health problems. In modern life, sleep disruption through behavioral deprivation is a major issue”, says Prof. Dauvilliers in his Specialty Grand Challenge article. “Sleep disorders are very common and often disabling conditions that can be isolated or associated with neurological disorders. “ Prof. Dauvilliers is Head of the Sleep Laboratory at the University of Montpellier and the Director of the Sleep Disorders Centre, in the Department of Neurology at the Gui de Chauliac Hospital in Montpellier, in France. He is also the coordinator of the French National Reference Network for Orphan Diseases (Narcolepsy, Hypersomnia, Kleine-Levin Syndrome). You may find Professor Dauvilliers’ full biography here. Working on the diagnosis, epidemiology, pathophysiology and therapy of several sleep disorders, Prof. Dauvilliers has focused mainly on neurological disorders including narcolepsy but also […]


10 Jan 2017

Frontiers in Medicine launches a new specialty section – Infectious Diseases

We are delighted to announce that Prof. Marc Struelens will be leading our new specialty section in Frontiers in Medicine and Frontiers in Public Health: Infectious Diseases – Surveillance, Prevention and Treatment. Given the intertwined nature of the public health and medical community when it comes to infectious diseases, we felt that a combined editorial board will best serve both communities to provide the highest quality peer review for our authors. A former president of the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), Prof. Struelens is currently Chief Microbiologist at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and Professor of Medical Microbiology at Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Prof. Struelens has extensive experience and publication record in microbiology, infectious diseases and public health. He has chaired the Belgian Infection Control Society and the European Study Group on Epidemiological Markers in addition to being a member of national and international advisory boards in the field of infectious diseases. Describing his vision for this specialty section, Prof. Struelens states: “I would like to provide a respected and interactive forum where medical researchers publish and contextualize research advances on determinants of human infections, at patient and population levels, and translate this knowledge into innovative […]