29 Apr 2020
COVID-19 study shows that men have over double the death rate of women
Study of gender differences finds that men have more severe disease and are over twice as likely to die: Frontiers in Public Health
29 Apr 2020
Study of gender differences finds that men have more severe disease and are over twice as likely to die: Frontiers in Public Health
24 Apr 2020
Experts review possible approaches from antivirals to gene therapy against the virus responsible for COVID-19: Frontiers in Microbiology
08 Apr 2020
An analysis of vaginal bacteria could help identify those at risk of giving birth prematurely: Frontiers in Microbiology
02 Apr 2020
The partnership reinforces the two organizations’ mutual desire to promote research in pediatrics and to facilitate its free and unrestricted dissemination to the widest possible audience.
16 Mar 2020
Four babies born in Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus, did not show signs of infection: Frontiers in Pediatrics
13 Mar 2020
Study of 43 online forums revealed symptoms, severity and time associated with the low-carb, high-fat diet: Frontiers in Nutrition
03 Mar 2020
A person’s cultural values may shape their views and actions on “socially appropriate sickness”: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
21 Feb 2020
A preclinical study in test tubes showed that selected plant-based herbal medicines, especially Ghanaian quinine and Japanese knotweed, work better than antibiotics: Frontiers in Medicine
14 Feb 2020
Gorillas are susceptible to human diseases, with respiratory infections causing up to 20% of sudden deaths: Frontiers in Public Health
07 Feb 2020
Some men taking the highest recommended dose of sildenafil reported blurred vision, light sensitivity and color issues: Frontiers in Neurology
06 Feb 2020
Highly toxic titanium oxide found in coal smog can cause lung damage in mice after a single exposure: Frontiers in Immunology
15 Jan 2020
Most probiotic information online originates from unreliable sources: Frontiers in Medicine
12 Dec 2019
Two joint papers demonstrate that administering oxygen can help premature babies breathe independently sooner: Frontiers in Pediatrics
04 Dec 2019
Using small amounts of Manuka honey between layers of surgical mesh acts as a natural antibiotic.
03 Dec 2019
A certain herpes variant may have a role in the development of multiple sclerosis: Frontiers in Immunology
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