Frontiers news
24 May 2019
Professor Raquel Peixoto leads Coral Reef Research specialty in Frontiers in Marine Science
The Red Sea Coral Reef. Credit: Morgan Bennett-Smith. We are delighted to announce the new Specialty Chief Editor Professor Raquel Peixoto for the Coral Reef Research section in Frontiers in Marine Science. Together with Chief Editors Zvy Dubinski, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and Thomas Frazer, University of Florida, USA, she will work with the community to publish the latest research and to help address environmental impacts on the world’s coral reefs. Professor Peixoto is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a Research Associate at the Rio de Janeiro Marine Aquarium (AquaRio) in Brazil. Her latest research focuses on elucidating the contribution of the microbiome in the coral metaorganism in order to improve coral health. “The antagonistic blend of power (for their invaluable ecological and economic importance) and their vulnerability (for being one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world) summarizes why coral reefs are so fascinating. I want to know more about the complex and inspiring interactions ruling corals and the reefs, while efforts to protect them also need to be urgently discussed and set up,” says Professor Peixoto. Professor Peixoto is one of the founders of the Beneficial Microorganisms for Marine Organisms (BMMO) […]