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Frontiers news

11 Sep 2020

Frontiers and the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences form open access publishing agreement.

We are delighted to announce that the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (Krems, Austria) has established an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing with Frontiers. The Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences supports its researchers in making their research more widely available. As part of this support, the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences has entered an institutional agreement with Frontiers. Under the terms of the Austria Open Access Publishing Framework Agreement, eligible authors from the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences may publish in any Frontiers journal at no cost to the author. Eligible authors are corresponding authors affiliated to the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences. If the author(s) are members of a FWF-funded project, the FWF may cover the APCs (more information here). Eligible authors will benefit from a streamlined invoicing process, managed directly between Frontiers and the Open Access team at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences Research Unit, relieving authors of the responsibility of payment. Furthermore, the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences Library Services will benefit from a discount on the article processing charge (APC) for articles covered by this agreement. This agreement will further encourage Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences authors […]

Frontiers news

04 Aug 2020

Supporting our people and the scientific community: Frontiers’ response to COVID-19

We are living in immensely challenging times. Everyone has to play their part.  Kamila Markram, CEO and co-founder Throughout the course of this year, half the world’s population was or still is under some form of restrictive lockdown measure in an effort to stop the spread of the COVID-19, whilst researchers are racing to understand, cure and mitigate the virus.  As an organization steeped in science, Frontiers is doing everything we can to support the scientific response to COVID-19, as well as our people, employees, editors and authors.   Supporting the scientific response  Our COVID-19 call to action received so much response from you, the academic community, that we introduced numerous new initiatives to help inform the scientific response to the pandemic and promote research advancements.  A hub of knowledge: In March we launched the Coronavirus Knowledge Hub. It has subsequently grown into an incredibly rich, online resource of trusted information and analysis from leading experts on COVID-19 and has received over 11 million views on social media. It showcases a range of Coronavirus initiatives, which includes more than 100 Research Topics, hundreds of peer-reviewed coronavirus articles, interviews with COVID-19 experts and nearly 1.5 billion USD in funding calls.  Priority peer review: To ensure time-sensitive scientific developments become openly available as soon as possible, we established an international, interdisciplinary group of approximately 200 research experts to fast-track the peer-review of COVID-19 articles. Whilst understanding that some of […]

Frontiers news

31 Jul 2020

Frontiers and the University of Borås form open access publishing agreement

Under the terms of the Sweden Open Access Publishing Framework Agreement, the University of Borås will cover Article Publishing Fees for eligible authors in any of the Frontiers journals. Eligible authors are corresponding authors affiliated with the University of Borås. Information for authors: To submit your article under this institutional agreement, it is recommended you submit with an email domain affiliated to your institution. When submitting your article, please select ‘University of Borås’ as the institutional payer in the invoice section. Frontiers will then verify your eligibility with the University of Borås, and if confirmed, the APC will be paid by the Library upon acceptance. If you have any questions, or want to check if your article is eligible, please contact the University of Borås Library at For information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional membership page or contact to discuss the possibilities for your library.

Frontiers news

31 Jul 2020

Frontiers and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology form open access publishing agreement

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan) supports their authors in publishing open access. As part of this support, eligible authors from KTH will benefit from a 10% discount under the terms of the Sweden Open Access Publishing Framework Agreement. Eligible authors are corresponding authors of a given article who meet the funding criteria of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Information for authors: To submit your article under this institutional agreement, you must submit with an email domain affiliated to your institution. When submitting your article, please select ‘KTH Royal Institute of Technology’ under the Institutional Agreements menu in the invoice section. Frontiers will then verify your affiliation with the KTH Library, and if confirmed, the APC will be paid by the Library upon acceptance. If you have any questions, or want to check if your article is eligible, please contact the KTH Library at For information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional membership page or contact to discuss the possibilities for your library.

Frontiers news

01 Jul 2020

KAUST and Frontiers form open access publishing agreement

We are delighted to announce that the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and Frontiers have formed an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing. 2022 Update: KAUST has extended their collaboration with Frontiers, allowing affiliated authors to continue to benefit from a 10% membership discount. Authors remain responsible for paying the remaining balance of the APC after discount.