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Frontiers news

27 Jul 2022

Inflationary adjustment to Frontiers’ Article Processing Charges

Article processing charges (APCs) are Frontiers’ sole revenue stream. We offset all the costs associated with our high-quality publishing service through APCs, continuously investing into our operations and open science platform. At Frontiers, APCs are paid in US dollars, the value of which has recently been under strong inflationary pressure.  Against international cost-of-living indicators, the dollar has lost 13% of its value since the last time we adjusted APCs at the end of 2017.   Unlike other publishers, we have not made annual adjustments to the costs of our services during that period. As of August 2022, we will raise APCs by 9.32% to help partially offset the recent inflationary losses to the value of the dollar. This will allow us to continue to reinvest in our operations while offering the highest quality, sustainable publishing services. We employ an international team of over 1,700 publishing professionals, who provide the expertise and technology skills to maintain and expand our editorial program and help make more science, open science.  Below, we offer FAQs which we hope will answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions about submissions to one of our journals, please contact our editorial office via the journal page. For any […]

Frontiers news

15 Jul 2022

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) and Frontiers form open access publishing agreement

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) has formed an institutional membership agreement for open access publishing with Frontiers. The TiHo supports its researchers in making their research free and openly available. As part of this support, the new agreement with Frontiers will further encourage TiHo researchers to publish open access at reduced costs and under a streamlined central invoicing process.  Eligible TiHo authors may benefit from a 7.5% membership discount in any Frontiers journal, which could be combined with any other applicable discounts, waivers and similar support schemes personally obtained by the authors. Information for TiHo researchers  If you are an eligible TiHo researcher, please select “University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo)” in the payment information section (“Frontiers institutional members”) when submitting your article. Frontiers will verify your eligibility with the TiHo Library and, if confirmed, apply the discount on the article processing charges (APCs). Upon receipt, the TiHo Library will forward the invoice to the responsible TiHo corresponding author to arrange the payment by the respective department or clinic.   For more information on this agreement and on whether your Frontiers article can receive partial funding support by the TiHo Open Access Publication Fund please contact For more information on […]

Frontiers news

15 Jul 2022

Open science to meet the public’s appetite for accountability, transparency, and trust

On 15 July 2022, Stephan Kuster, head of public affairs at Frontiers, gave a speech at the closing reception of the EuroScience Open Forum, Europe’s largest interdisciplinary science conference. Thank you, Professor Breedveld. Good evening. My name is Stephan Kuster. I am head of public affairs at Frontiers. I joined Frontiers because we are a fully open access, research publisher whose mission is clear and simply put.  We want to make all science open. We believe that global, existential threats call for scientific breakthroughs at pace, based on full and immediate access to the latest research.  In short, science that is open to the many, not just the few. We are delighted to support the forum in this, its tenth year. The ESOF team has done a fantastic job bringing us all together and framing the conversation. It has asked how scientific endeavour can cross borders, between disciplines, geographies and worldviews. And it has challenged us to engage with the public, to shape policy. Now the scientific community in recent years has made enormous progress on both these fronts. Not least in our collective response to the pandemic. But success is not guaranteed. Too often, science has been captured by […]

Frontiers news

30 Jun 2022

Frontiers: Social Media and RSS

Follow Frontiers on social media Frontiers on Twitter@FrontiersInFrontiers on FacebookFrontiersInFrontiers on LinkedInFrontiersInFrontiers on Instagram@Frontiersin_Frontiers on VimeoFrontiersFrontiers on YouTubeFrontiers Frontiers journals: Twitter and RSS Follow us via RSS or Twitter to stay up-to-date on new research published in our journals. Click on a link to add it to your RSS reader or Twitter “following” list. AFrontiers in AgingRSS@FrontAgingFrontiers in Aging NeuroscienceRSS@FrontNeurosciFrontiers in AgronomyRSS@FrontAgroFrontiers in AllergyRSS@FrontAllergyFrontiers in Analytical ScienceRSS@FrontAnalytSciFrontiers in Animal ScienceRSS@FrontAnimalSciFrontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics RSS@FrontMathsStatsFrontiers in Artificial IntelligenceRSS@FrontAIBigDataFrontiers in Astronomy and Space SciencesRSS@FrontAstroSpace BFrontiers in Behavioral NeuroscienceRSS@FrontNeurosciFrontiers in Big DataRSS@FrontAIBigDataFrontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyRSS@FrontBioengFrontiers in BioinformaticsRSS@FrontBioinfFrontiers in Biomaterials ScienceRSS@FrontBiomatSciFrontiers in BlockchainRSS@FrontBlockchainFrontiers in Built EnvironmentRSS@FrontBuiltEnv CFrontiers in Cardiovascular MedicineRSS@FrontCVMedicineFrontiers in CatalysisRSS@FrontCatalysisFrontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologyRSS@FrontCellDevBioFrontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology RSS@FrontCellInfectFrontiers in Cellular NeuroscienceRSS@FrontNeurosciFrontiers in Chemical EngineeringRSS@FrontChemEngFrontiers in ChemistryRSS@FrontChemistryFrontiers in ClimateRSS@FrontSustainFrontiers in Clinical Diabetes and HealthcareRSS@FrontClinDiabFrontiers in Conservation ScienceRSS@FrontConservSciFrontiers in Control EngineeringRSS@FrontControlEngFrontiers in CommunicationRSS@FrontCommFrontiers in Communications and NetworksRSS@FrontCommNetwFrontiers in Computational NeuroscienceRSS@FrontNeurosciFrontiers in Computer ScienceRSS@FrontComputSci DFrontiers in Dental Medicine RSS@FrontDentalMedFrontiers in Digital HealthRSS@FrontDigiHealthFrontiers in Drug DeliveryRSS@FrontDrugDDSFrontiers in Drug DiscoveryRSS@FrontDrugDDSFrontiers in Drug Safety and Regulation RSS@FrontDrugDDS EFrontiers in Earth Science RSS@FrontEarthSciFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution RSS@FrontEcolEvolFrontiers in EducationRSS@FrontEducationFrontiers in ElectronicsRSS@FrontElecFrontiers in Electronic MaterialsRSS@FrontElecMatsFrontiers in EndocrinologyRSS@FrontEndocrinolFrontiers in Energy ResearchRSS@FrontEnergyResFrontiers in Environmental ScienceRSS@FrontEnvSciFrontiers […]

Frontiers news

24 Jun 2022

Anglia Ruskin University has joined the Frontiers – JISC national open access deal

We would like to announce that Anglia Ruskin University has joined the national open access deal agreed between Jisc Collections and Frontiers.  This landmark deal provides a simplified and streamlined route to open access publishing for researchers in the UK, who publish 7% of the world’s research. This institutional agreement means that eligible ARU researchers may publish in any Frontiers journal at no cost to them and with a simplified process. Articles may benefit from a 10% membership discount. ARU Library and Research & Innovation Development Office supports its researchers in making their research more widely available. This agreement will further encourage ARU researchers to publish open access, increasing the volume of research openly available. While this reduces costs for the researcher, it also benefits the wider research community and the public at large.   For more information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional memberships page or contact to discuss the possibilities for your own organization.  Information for researchers  If you are an eligible ARU researcher, you should make an application to the Open Access Support Fund before submitting your output to Frontiers. Further details are available here: (ARU access only). Once approval has been given, please submit your article and ensure you select “Anglia Ruskin […]

Frontiers news

16 Jun 2022

In Memoriam Salvatore “Totò” Salomone

On behalf of the Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Pharmacology, the University of Catania and his family, it is with great sadness that we announce the passing of speciality chief editor (Experimental Pharmacology and Drug Discovery), Salvatore “Totò” Salomone.  Salvatore died 15 May 2022, after an extreme fight against the devastating consequences of a cerebral haemorrhage which occurred from the rupture of an aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery about a month ago. Totò was a noble person, with rare gifts of balance and generosity in both his work and his family. He was the perfect friend, always available. He was ready to fill gaps and heal fractures in relationships between people and, in particular, between colleagues and collaborators.  Graduating in Medicine and Surgery and specializing in Internal Medicine in Catania, he obtained a PhD at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. He carried out a long period of research at the Stroke and Neurovascular Regulation Laboratory of the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Boston (USA) where he worked as Assistant in Pharmacology. In 1997 he beat the competition as a researcher of Pharmacology and then, in 2007, he became an Associate Professor. On 4 January 2016 […]