27 Nov 2019
Palm oil: Less fertilizer and no herbicide but same yield?
International team investigates environmentally sustainable palm oil production: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
27 Nov 2019
International team investigates environmentally sustainable palm oil production: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
15 Oct 2019
Oil palm is alternatively seen as a gift from god or a crime against humanity – according to science, it is neither; Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
27 Aug 2019
Logging in the timber-rich forests of northern Congo is a major driver of the region’s economic development — and its ecological impoverishment; Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
13 Aug 2019
“Proforestation” has significant potential in the United States; Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
01 Jul 2019
New Oregon State University research shows that juvenile northern red-legged frogs that have experienced climate-related stress as tadpoles are less likely to move on land, putting their survival at risk; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
19 Jun 2019
Endangered African antelope and the lions that prey on them may benefit from certain cattle ranching practices in Kenya; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
23 May 2019
The team found that the response of bats to artificial light was intensified in areas with high tree cover. Credit: Christian Giese. A German study sheds new light on how exactly ultraviolet (UV) emitting and non-UV emitting street lamps influence the activity of bats in the Berlin metropolitan area, and whether tree cover might mitigate the effects of light pollution — by Forschungsverbund Berlin Artificial light is rightly considered a major social, cultural and economic achievement. Yet, artificial light at night is also said to pose a threat to biodiversity, especially affecting nocturnal species in metropolitan areas. It has become clear that the response by wildlife to artificial light at night might vary across species, seasons and lamp types.A study conducted by a team led by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) sheds new light on how exactly ultraviolet (UV) emitting and non-UV emitting street lamps influence the activity of bats in the Berlin metropolitan area and whether tree cover might mitigate any effect of light pollution. The study is published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Tree Cover Mediates the Effect of Artificial Light on Urban Bats► Read original article► Download original article (pdf) Natural sunlight […]
17 May 2019
Researchers at the Smithsonian Institute have proposed a ‘demographic safe space’ for Asian elephants, to improve conservation of these and other large, slow-breeding animals; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
08 Apr 2019
A floodplain forest dominated by oaks. Credit: Albert Reif. — by University of Freiberg, Germany A team from the Institute of Forest Sciences at the University of Freiburg shows that the extraction of groundwater for industry and households is increasingly damaging floodplain forests in Europe given the increasing intensity and length of drought periods in the summer. The scientists have published their results in the journal Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. Floodplain forests dominated by oaks are among the most at risk in Europe. Through conversion to arable land and pastures, as well as settlements, they have lost most of their original distribution. River regulation and drainage have also changed the natural hydrologic balance. The introduction of pests and diseases decimates native tree species such as elm and ash. At the same time, these forests play an important part in the control of flooding and protection of biodiversity. Groundwater Extraction in Floodplain Forests Reduces Radial Growth and Increases Summer Drought Sensitivity of Pedunculate Oak Trees (Quercus robur L.)► Read original article► Download original article (pdf) The root of the study by the Freiburg team was the observation that the vitality of old trees in the oak forests of the Rhine valley had […]
05 Mar 2019
People tend to judge their environmental impact using moral intuition that evolved to handle social exchange — but these tree huggers may be doing more harm than good, say researchers; Frontiers in Psychology
22 Feb 2019
Self-healing fabric, abrasion-resistant coatings, precision drug delivery and smart textiles are among the potential applications of squid ‘ring tooth’ protein; Frontiers in Chemistry
15 Feb 2019
Harmful deep sea mining could be avoided altogether if humanity moves towards a “circular economy” that focuses on reuse and recycling of metals, reduces overconsumption and limits built-in obsolescence of technology; Frontiers in Marine Science
01 Feb 2019
Researchers have compiled a database of all the water transfer megaprojects currently existing and planned by 2050; Frontiers in Environmental Science
29 Jan 2019
Seafloor predators and open-water feeding animals will benefit from climate change, while those associated with sea ice for food or breeding are most at risk; Frontiers in Marine Science
25 Jan 2019
The cleanup of America’s filthiest harbor is now worth between $30 and $100 billion in ecosystem services; Frontiers in Marine Science
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