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Biodiversity loss: three Research Topics revealing threats and solutions

The planet is demanding a reset in our interactions with nature. Protecting and restoring biodiversity is no longer optional because when nature suffers, so do we.

According to United Nations data, "current negative trends in biodiversity and ecosystems will undermine progress towards 80% of the assessed targets of eight Sustainable Development Goals."

As a result, the theme for this year’s International Day for Biological Diversity is ’Be part of the Plan’, a call to action for everyone to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also known as the Biodiversity Plan.

In light of the crucial role of biodiversity to the health of our planet, we have listed three of our most impactful Research Topics on the causes and consequences of biodiversity loss.

All articles are openly available to view and download.

1 | Aquatic One Health—The Intersection of Marine Wildlife Health, Public Health, and Our Oceans

33,400 views | 10 articles

This Research Topic provides insights into marine wildlife and aquaculture disease processes, conditions, and health issues. It also demonstrates the potential to influence public health within the One Health framework.

The interrelatedness of environmental, animal, and public wellbeing form the basis of the 'One Health' concept, a framework to guide research and conservation efforts by studying not only animal health in isolation, but also in the context of public and environmental health.

Humankind's past and present use of ocean ecosystems as waste sinks has had significant, wide-ranging, and negative effects on marine life and human health, making this topic highly relevant to the mission of biodiversity preservation.

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2 | Ethnofood Chemistry: Bioactive Components in Unexploited Foods from Centres of Biodiversity

45,000 views | 11 articles

A Research Topic looking at ethno plant foods from centers of biodiversity -Africa, Asia and Australia, North, and Central America, South America, Europe, and Central Asia- with bioactive components of nutritional and health value.

Ethnofoods—traditional foods—originate from the heritage and culture of an ethnic group that uses their knowledge of local plants and animal sources. They are also unexploited and underutilized by the wider community worldwide.

This topic highlights the importance of incorporating ethno-plant foods into nutrition intervention programs globally to combat hidden hunger and provide nutrition and food security. Furthermore, it contributes to demonstrating the possibility of developing sustainable food systems.

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3 | Community Series in the Wildlife Gut Microbiome and Its Implication for Conservation Biology, Volume II

53,100 views | 21 articles

This Research Topic dives into the potential connection between gut microbiome and conservation biology. Microbiome studies can increase our understanding of non-native species invasion, host response to pathogens and chemical contamination, and host ability to tolerate climate change.

The animal gut microbiota can be beneficial in many ways, including dietary supplementation, host immune function, and behavior. The microbiomes of animals affect host fitness, population characteristics such as demography, and health status, as well as adaptability. For example, the fitness effects of gut microbiomes on wild animals may have important implications for the conservation and management of species.

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May 21, 2024


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