Frontiers at the Charleston Conference

Frontiers will be at the Charleston conference in South Carolina, USA, this November and we’d love to see you there.  As a diamond sponsor of the event, we’ll be leading and participating in a range of sessions outlined below. You’ll also be able to find us at booth 132 throughout the conference.

You can email us at for more information or to arrange a meeting.

Where to find us at Charleston: 

Tuesday, 1 November (vendor day), 11:30 AM EST in Salon 1 of the Gaillard Center.  The 20-minute vendor information session led by Thomas Romano, global sales manager institutional partnerships  This session will introduce Frontiers, our mission-driven, researcher-centric approach and core values.   

Wednesday 2 November at 1:15 pm EST at Gaillard Center Grand Ballroom 3  Hyde Park Debate 'Resolved: Transformative Agreements Represent the Best Possible Mechanism for a Full Transition to Open Access'. Frontiers’ head of public affairs, Stephan Kuster, joins the conversation.  

Wednesday, 2 November, 4:00 - 4:40 PM EST at Francis Marion Hotel Colonial Ballroom  Panel discussion 'The Nelson Memo: A tipping point for open access science in the US?': moderated by Julia Kostova, director of publishing development.

See the full conference program here.