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Pride Month 2022: Article collections on health and wellbeing in the LGBTQIA+ community

Pride month 2022's theme is celebrating 50 years of Pride with a focus on acknowledging the many positive achievements of the LGBTQIA+ movement. We are proud to showcase the top closed and open article collections on improving the health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+  individuals. Researchers explored topics spanning from transgender pain and queer aging to HIV prevention and sexual health in non-binary adolescents.

Read our closed article collections:


Gender Dysphoria

8 articles | 274,000 views

Integrating knowledge regarding diagnostic challenges, clinical presentations and health promotion modalities for GD individuals.


HIV prevention

8 articles | 45,000 views

Beneficiary, provider, and health system perspective on implementing PrEP in community settings worldwide.


LGBT+ youth

8 articles | 112,000 views

Understanding the psychosexual, physiobiological and social development of LGBTAQ young people in family, school, and work environments.


Transgender healthcare

13 articles | 82,000 views

Answering how hormonal interventions influence the mental and physical health trajectories of people with gender dysphoria.


LGBT+ parents

15 articles | 107,500 views

Exploring the experiences and psychological outcomes of LGBTQ parents and their children, throughout their family life cycle: family building by LGBTQ people, the transition to parenthood for LGBTQ parents, and functioning of LGBTQ parents and their children.

Submit to our open article collections:


Transgender pain

Collection editor: Clair Kronk, Yale University

The intersection of gender and pain is an important area of research, but only recently has pain in the transgender population begun to be addressed.


LGBT+ aging

Collection editor: Miranda Leontowitsch, Goethe University Frankfurt

The central goals are to queer ageing and reveal counter-narratives of ageing that transgress the boundaries of heterosexuality, normative life course models, and successful ageing by offering alternative temporalities and relationalities in later life.


Noncommunicable chronic diseases

Collection editor: Billy Caceres, Columbia University

Seeking high-quality quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research studies that examine social, structural, and/or environmental determinants of NCDs among LGBT+ individuals.


Mental health

Collection editor: Jinghua Li, Sun Yat-sen University

Investigating the spatial and temporal patterns, the risk factors, and underlying mechanisms of mental health problems and suicidal behaviors among sexual minorities.


Reproductive health

Collection editor: Diane Chen, Children's Hospital of Chicago

Highlighting innovative research, clinical, educational, and policy approaches to improving sexual and reproductive health among transgender and non-binary adolescents and young adults.

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June 16, 2022

Frontiers Communications

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