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Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry 2021 Editor Awards

Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry is pleased to announce the inaugural edition of our Editor Awards.

In 2021, Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry posted 28 themed article collections across our 7 specialty sections, highlighting cutting-edge themes and contemporary issues within their respective fields. We also launched various Community-Driven initiatives that were spearheaded by members of our Editorial Board. We could not have achieved these milestones without the dedication and collaboration of our Associate and Review Editors.

With these awards, we aim to highlight those Associate Editors and Review Editors who we believe have gone above and beyond in the past year to make excellent contributions to our journal. All of our editorial board members have been pivotal in the continued growth and visibility of important research in the field of Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry. This success was achieved by safeguarding the quality of articles published in 2021 during the peer-review process, as well as by suggesting and leading highly relevant and contemporary article collections.

We are very proud of our journal, and its community, and are grateful for each member’s support. Every member of our board helps Frontiers achieve its goal of making science open, allowing us to live healthy lives on a healthy planet.

Many congratulations to our finalists and a big thank you to all our Editors!

Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry 2021 Outstanding Associate Editors Awards

Dengsong Zhang

Catalytic Remediation

Shanghai University Shanghai, China  

Marc Amyot

Inorganic Pollutants

Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada  

Raoul-Marie Couture

Inorganic Pollutants

Laval University Quebec, Canada

Suryadi Ismadj

Sorption Technologies

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia

David Amouroux

Inorganic Pollutants

Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physico-Chimie pour l'Environnement et les Matériaux (IPREM) Pau, France

Lingxin Chen

Environmental Analytical Methods

Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry 2021 Outstanding Review Editors Awards

João Canário

Inorganic Pollutants

University of Lisbon, Portugal  

Yuechang Wei

Catalytic Remediation

China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China

Alfin Kurniawan

Sorption Technologies

National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Amin Mojiri

Chemical Treatments

Hiroshima University

Hiroshima, Japan

Chicgoua Noubactep

Sorption Technologies

University of Göttingen

Göttingen, Germany

Min Lv

Environmental Analytical Methods

Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

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March 28, 2022


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