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- Frontiers’ Volunteers: spreading kindness
Frontiers’ Volunteers: spreading kindness
For more than a decade, Frontons have been showing a great passion and big heart for the most pressing world causes, both as scientists and as citizens of the world. At Frontiers, we are committed to contributing to communities in a meaningful and sustainable way and encourage our people to participate in charity activities.
In the course of the past year, we have been sharing our Frontons’ amazing stories and insights about life changing experiences from volunteering. Whether with individual inputs or through group initiatives, Frontiers’ people have been rendering help and spreading kindness via our volunteering partner platform Alaya tallying up 991 volunteered hours, 402 contributions, 249 donated goods and £3,305 in funds.
The holiday season, like no other, showed the importance of community support to those in less fortunate situations. In collaboration with the volunteering platform Alaya and coordinated by Francesca Tettamanzi and Gabriella Zozzaro, our offices in Lausanne, London and Madrid collected and donated over 100 gifts for people in need under the Christmas Wishes Initiative. The gifts, which ranged from toiletry sets, hats and scarfs to food vouchers and sport, music and art lessons, subsequently reached the Single Homeless Project in the UK, Comedor Social de Carabanchel in Spain and two migrant houses in Switzerland.
Whether choosing to help people, support philanthropic causes or provide assistance to their local community, volunteering enables our Frontons to make a difference in a selfless way, for which they will always have the unequivocal support from our company.
Frontiers is a signatory of the United Nations Publishers COMPACT and the above initiative is part of Frontiers’ commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Goal 1 - No Poverty, Goal 2 - Zero Hunger and Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-Being.