Frontiers partners with journal policy database TRANSPOSE

Partnership with TRANSPOSE enables Frontiers’ open-access policies to reach a wider audience

Frontiers’ mission is to make science open. Thanks to our exciting new partnership with TRANSPOSE, we are a step closer to achieving this.

TRANSPOSE is an unbiased database of journal policies on open peer review, co-reviewing, and preprinting. The database helps authors to make informed decisions on where to publish. It also improves transparency, one of the milestones of open access.

“We are happy to work with TRANSPOSE and contribute towards their initiative increasing transparency in scholarly publishing,” says Senior Manager of Research Integrity at Frontiers, Gearóid Ó Faoleán. “This kind of information cannot just come from academia. It should be a community-led effort to help people make decisions such as where to publish; a place where they can see which journals align with their core values and help them choose the journal they feel best represents that.”

The initiative is not just beneficial for authors but represents a much larger movement driving publishers towards greater transparency. 

“These kinds of partnerships will create momentum for all publishers to contribute towards transparency. Authors making these decisions will hopefully create a critical mass for policy change among publishers,” concludes Ó Faoleán.



TRANSPOSE is building a database of journal policies on (open) peer review, co-reviewing, and detailed preprinting policies.The database holds nearly 3000 records, hundreds of which have been verified by representatives of journals or publishers. In addition to searching for individual journals, users can select up to three journals to compare side-by-side. For instance, when planning where to preprint, researchers may wish to look up the preprint policies for up to three journals they’re likely to submit to and check which are supportive of preprints and any conditions attached to this.