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Plant genomics paving the way to a sustainable future

According to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, approximately 20-30% of the Earth’s vegetated surface shows persistent declining trends in productivity. As a result, millions may be facing protein deficiency with 76% of the global population deriving most of their daily protein from plants.

However, plant genomics may be able to provide the scientific advances society needs.

Why is now the perfect time to be involved in plant genomics research?

Since 2000, when the model plant Arabdopsis thalania became the first plant genome to be published, genome sequencing has become integral to the majority of plant laboratories across the globe.

Prof. Andrew H. Paterson Specialty Chief Editor of Plant Genomics believes now is the time to get involved:

"With genome sequencing now routine, the stage is set for gleaning rich new insight into plant evolutionary history, the mechanisms by which it has occurred, and its causes of and consequences for the botanical diversity that comprises the world’s dominant flora, providing ecosystem services fundamental to humanity including oxygen, food, fiber, fuel and medicines," he explains.

Discover Plant Genomics

Why is Plant Genomics so important?

"Better understanding of plant genome biology is foundational knowledge in the transition to a more bio-based economy, balancing increased food security and expanded bio-energy supplies with improved environmental stewardship while mitigating looming challenges such as a worldwide water crisis and losses of topsoil," says Prof. Paterson.

"The primary goal here is synthetic research that integrates information from new and/or existing genomes to address core topics of cross-cutting interest, including plant genome organization, evolution, function and/or manipulation_._"

Meet our Chief Editor

The Plant Genomics specialty within Frontiers in Genetics will be led by Andrew Paterson, Regents Professor in the Department of Genetics at the University of Georgia. Prof. Paterson is Director of the Plant Genome Mapping Laboratory, which studies the hereditary information that makes plants different from other organisms as well as from each other.

With Prof. Patterson’s long-standing affinity for agriculture, his passion for plant genomics developed as a plant breeding graduate student. He describes while "walking the wheat fields I felt that insight into the genetic blueprints of plants held singularly great potential to link increased fundamental knowledge to improved human lives."

If you have a shared passion for Plant Genomics, please explore our open Research Topics below.

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October 31, 2019

Frontiers Communications

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