Frontiers supplies full-text articles to Publications Router

Improved service for institutions to capture, store, curate and showcase articles published by their researchers in Frontiers journals

Frontiers is the latest Open Access publisher to automatically distribute content to institutional repositories via Jisc’s Publications Router service. Having published more than 95,000 articles to date in 61 journals, covering 500 academic disciplines — including in Life Sciences, Health, Engineering and Humanities — Frontiers will now deposit content from all these journals into Router for onward delivery to the relevant repositories.

Rapid delivery, open licensing

Frontiers now supplies Publications Router with articles as soon as they are published, which in turn deposits them straight into the relevant institutions’ systems. The process is automatic, subject only to the institutions’ standard review. With an average review time of 89 days, institutions are gaining daily access to the latest Frontiers research results quickly and efficiently.

Router transfers the full text version of articles, as well as rich metadata, including article licensing details. At Frontiers, all articles are open-access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) with no embargo, allowing free sharing, redistribution and re-use in any medium or format.

Showcasing research and Open Access compliance

In addition to enabling institutions to showcase and disseminate their researchers’ work, this collaboration also demonstrates compliance with various funders’ Open Access policies, notably the policy on Open Access and the REF. This policy requires that research submitted for assessment affecting the institution’s funding level must have been made open access within three months of acceptance for publication.

About Publications Router

Jisc Publications Router gathers information from content providers such as publishers and passes it on to institutions to help them capture their research articles onto their systems, such as their repositories or research information systems. It is part of Jisc’s suite of open access services. By automating this process, the Router reduces administrative effort at institutions, alerts them to more of their outputs than they might otherwise be aware of, and helps maximize each article’s distribution and exposure.

About JISC

Jisc and Open Access

Jisc provides services, support, and policy expertise in order to enable UK higher education to realize the rewards of Open Access (OA).

There are four main ways Jisc does this:

  • Policy compliance: to help institutions meet and demonstrate compliance with funders and publishers

  • Cost management: to improve processes and systems and provide shared services to cut costs

  • Discovery, usage and impact: to improve the visibility of repositories and research impact

  • Metadata and interoperability: to overcome issues between funder, publisher and institutional systems

Jisc and open research

Jisc has supported open research for many years, with services to aid Open Access and research data management, working with universities and researchers in adopting open and FAIR research. Jisc collaborates with the sector to identify and share good practice, and also work globally to ensure UK researchers can benefit from open research infrastructure.