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- Frontiers and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) form open access publishing agreement
Frontiers and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) form open access publishing agreement
We are delighted to inform you that ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences has formed an open access publishing agreement with Frontiers.
PLEASE NOTE: As of 1 March 2020, this agreement is no longer active and replaced by the new arrangement. Please visit the new announcement for more information: https://blog.frontiersin.org/2020/04/28/frontiers-and-the-zurich-university-of-applied-sciences-zhaw-extend-open-access-publishing-agreement/
The ZHAW Hochschulbibliothek covers 50% Article Publishing Fees for corresponding authors affiliated with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, in any of the Frontiers journals.
To access the ZHAW OA guide, and for information on whether your article is eligible under this agreement, please visit the ZHAW open access website or contact openaccess@zhaw.ch.
For information on Frontiers’ institutional agreements please visit our institutional membership page or contact institutions@frontiersin.org to discuss the possibilities for your library.