Top articles in 2017: Frontiers in Microbiology

Frontiers in Microbiology - 2017 highlights

Microbiology highlights

2017 has been another exciting year for Frontiers in Microbiology — the 3rd-most cited of all journals in the category of Microbiology, with an Impact Factor of 4.076.

We are delighted to welcome 990 new editors on the editorial board this year. With a nearly 30% increase in article submissions, these dedicated experts help maintain our quick publication times while ensuring a thorough peer-review process.

2017 figures* for the journal include:

  • 2,400+ published articles from 14,000+ authors

  • More than 8 million new article views

  • More than 1.8 million new article downloads

  • 4,977 editors

Thank you to our editors, reviewers and authors for these fantastic achievements, and here’s to an even more exciting 2018.

Top research in 2017

See some of our hottest 2017 content from different specialties — the very latest discoveries and insights on the microorganisms in your gut, antibiotic resistance, how growing in the International Space Station affects bacteria, and much more.

Hottest Research Topics

Three of the ten Research Topics finalists in the 2017 Spotlight Award were also published in Frontiers in Microbiology:

Top article picks