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- Frontiers in Psychology is attending ASSC
Frontiers in Psychology is attending ASSC

Don’t forget to stop by the Frontiers Booth #4 between the 13th-16th June in the Exhibitors Halls, to find out more about our publishing program. We look forward to meeting you!
Are you attending the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness in Beijing this year? If so, Frontiers in Psychology is proud to offer you a 30% discount on the article processing fees, available to all attendees!
Simply submit your paper to Frontiers in Psychology and email us a copy of your conference registration confirmation (psychology@frontiersin.org) and we will apply the discount.
Why publish with Frontiers?
We asked the Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Psychology Axel Cleeremans (Research Director, F.R.S.-FNRS, Free University of Brussels), as a leading researcher in his field, to explain what makes our journal unique to him:
“Beyond the fact that it’s the largest journal in psychology, which I find to be truly stunning after only eight years in existence, what is most unique about Frontiers is its interactive review forum, where authors and referees can interact almost in real time, exchanging arguments until the revisions achieve consensus amongst the review editors. This is truly a singular system that manages to speed up the refereeing process and that encourages in-depth, continued discussion. Another notable feature of the publishing model is the fact that referees take responsibility for the publications they endorse since their names appear on the published articles.”
At Frontiers, we publish all articles that are scientifically correct. We engineered the Collaborative Peer Review with a review mandate focused on enhancing article quality by means of rigorous and constructive feedback from expert reviewers, quick and direct interactions between authors, reviewers and the editor enabled by our review forum platform, and we enhance transparency by acknowledging reviewers and editors on the published articles. This performance analysis indicates that the impact neutral Collaborative Peer Review conducted in Frontiers together with an outstanding editorial board has become a powerful model for publishing quality academic papers at scale
Prof. Cleeremans explains that he himself chooses Frontiers in Psychology as a publishing outlet for his own research because “both speed and availability are very important today, and Frontiers manages both. There is also a strong sense of belonging to a large community when you publish with Frontiers.”
Don’t forget to stop by the Frontiers Booth #4 between the 13th-16th June in the Exhibitors Halls, to find out more about our publishing program. We look forward to meeting you!