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Frontiers eBooks published in April 2017

Below is a list of Frontiers eBooks published in April 2017. All Frontiers eBooks are free to download, share and distribute.


Optimized interaction of the brain with environment requires the four-dimensional representation of space-time in the neuronal circuits.


<p>Optimized interaction of the brain with environment requires the four-dimensional representation of space-time in the neuronal circuits.</p>


<p>Although the topic of animal personality has recently generated much interest, the role of development is little understood.</p>
<p>It has been long assumed that following the resolution of acute injuries, traumatic brain injury represents a stable neural entity.</p>

It has been long assumed that following the resolution of acute injuries, traumatic brain injury represents a stable neural entity.


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May 06, 2017

Frontiers Communications

Frontiers Communications


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