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Most viewed Neuroscience articles in May 2016

tACS Phase Locking of Frontal Midline Theta Oscillations Disrupts Working Memory PerformanceBankim S. Chander, Matthias Witkowski, Christoph Braun, Stephen E. Robinson, Jan Born, Leonardo G. Cohen, Niels Birbaumer and Surjo R. Soekadar*

The Busier the Better: Greater Busyness Is Associated with Better CognitionSara B. Festini*, Ian M. McDonough, and Denise C. Park*

Prediction of Mortality Based on Facial CharacteristicsArnaud Delorme*, Alan Pierce, Leena Michel and Dean Radin

In Alzheimer’s Disease, 6-Month Treatment with GLP-1 Analog Prevents Decline of Brain Glucose Metabolism: Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical TrialMichael Gejl, Albert Gjedde, Lærke Egefjord, Arne Møller, Søren B. Hansen, Kim Vang, Anders Rodell, Hans Brændgaard, Hanne Gottrup, Anna Schacht, Niels Møller, Birgitte Brock and Jørgen Rungby*

Calcium Imaging of Basal Forebrain Activity during Innate and Learned BehaviorsThomas C. Harrison, Lucas Pinto, Julien R. Brock and Yang Dan*

Determining Optimal Feature-Combination for LDA Classification of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Signals in Brain-Computer Interface ApplicationNoman Naseer*, Farzan M. Noori, Nauman K. Qureshi and Keum-Shik Hong

Into the Wild: Neuroergonomic Differentiation of Hand-Held and Augmented Reality Wearable Displays during Outdoor Navigation with Functional Near Infrared SpectroscopyRyan McKendrick*, Raja Parasuraman, Rabia Murtza, Alice Formwalt, Wendy Baccus, Martin Paczynski and Hasan Ayaz*

Decreased Cerebellar-Orbitofrontal Connectivity Correlates with Stuttering Severity: Whole-Brain Functional and Structural Connectivity Associations with Persistent Developmental StutteringKevin R. Sitek, Shanqing Cai, Deryk S. Beal, Joseph S. Perkell, Frank H. Guenther and Satrajit S. Ghosh*

Developing Brain Vital Signs: Initial Framework for Monitoring Brain Function Changes Over TimeSujoy Ghosh Hajra, Careesa C. Liu, Xiaowei Song, Shaun Fickling, Luke E. Liu, Gabriela Pawlowski, Janelle K. Jorgensen, Aynsley M. Smith, Michal Schnaider-Beeri, Rudi Van Den Broek, Rowena Rizzotti, Kirk Fisher and Ryan C. N. D’Arcy*

Push-Pull Receptive Field Organization and Synaptic Depression: Mechanisms for Reliably Encoding Naturalistic Stimuli in V1Jens Kremkow*, Laurent U. Perrinet, Cyril Monier, Jose-Manuel Alonso, Ad Aertsen, Yves Frégnac and Guillaume S. Masson

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June 04, 2016

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